The Valley of Heart's Delight

Berryessa, Santa Clara County


PHILIP ANDERSON is a resident of Berryessa, at which place he is conducting a blacksmith and wagon-making shop. He is located in the midst of a well-settled agricultural section, and his works are well patronized. He is the owner of a comfortable residence adjoining his shops, and also owns 260 acres of hill land about four miles north-east of Berryessa, which he devotes to hay and stock. Among the latter are some fine Percheron horses.

The subject of this sketch was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, February 19, 1839. He is the son of Alexander and Margaret Anderson. In 1853 he came with his father's family to New Brunswick, and there he learned the trade of machinist. His education having been confined to the common schools in Scotland, he found himself deficient in even the common branches, and he commenced a course of education by attending night schools, and reading. This he continued
for several years. He worked at his calling until 1863, in which year he came to California, by the Panama route, arriving in San Francisco, where he worked for a year as a machinist. In 1864 he came to Santa Clara County and located at Berryessa, where he worked as a blacksmith in the shops which he now owns. In 1865 he purchased an interest in the works, and in connection with his partner, Mr. Beck, conducted the business until he finally became the sole owner.

In 1869 he married Miss Rebecca J. Cahill, the daughter of Barnawell and Rebecca Jane Cahill, natives of New Brunswick. By this marriage there are seven children living, viz: Margaret Alice, William W., Mabel V., Leslie C., Roscoe A., Albert Ray, and Emily Oressa.

Mr. Anderson is well known in his district, and has always taken a deep interest in its welfare and morals. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and has held the office of School Trustee for six years. In politics he is a Prohibitionist, but for some years past has been identified with the Republican party, and has several times been elected a delegate to the county conventions of that party. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being associated with San Jose Lodge, No. 10, of that order. Is also a member of the A. O. U. W., and was one of the charter members of Enterprise Lodge, No. 10 of San Jose.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Roena Wilson , page 530-531


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY-The Valley of Heart's Delight

July 22, 2005