Bio-Pen Pictures

 is the owner of a fine orchard property of about fifteen acres, situated on McCoy Avenue, in San Tomas District. She purchased the property in 1882, and during the same year erected the pleasant cottage she now occupies, the fruit-trees being planted the following year. The orchard chiefly comprises French prunes, yellow egg plums, apricots, and peaches, but also contains a general variety for household use. The trees are now (1888) in bearing. Miss Palen has resided in Santa Clara County since 1874, having made San Jose her home for several years. A short time before establishing her present residence, she lived in the Willow District, and there improved an orchard property, which is now the residence and farm of Captain Adams and his family.

The subject of our sketch was born and reared in Greene County, New York, but for several years before coming to this State had resided in Michigan. Upon becoming a resident of California, in 1874, she brought with her two young ladies, her nieces, Misses Maria J. and Hattie C. Palen. The former is now the wife of F. D. Ballard, who lives on McCoy Avenue, and is a near neighbor of Miss Palen. The latter died at the home of Miss Palen, in Oakland, where she lived a few months prior to coming to this county.

        Miss Palen has clearly demonstrated what can be accomplished by a woman of energy and intelligence as a horticulturist in this beautiful valley. She has succeeded admirably in every enterprise which she has undertaken, and her business management and tact have won recognition from the community in which she makes her home, as also have the many excellent traits of character which she possesses.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 415

 MRS. HELEN P. WOOD (nee Palen)

 Bio-Pen Pictures

makes her home with her aunt, Miss Maria Palen,[above] on McCoy Avenue. Mrs. Wood owns a fine property of fifteen acres directly opposite that of Miss Palen, all of which is planted with fruit-trees, and the same description as to variety and age that applies to Miss Palen's orchard applies also to this one. 

Mrs. Wood claims New York city as her birth­place. She married, in 1871, Mr. E. B. Wood, in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wood came from Racine, Wisconsin, to this State in 1881, and after one year's residence at the Willows took possession of their home on McCoy Avenue. After four years of life in their pleasant home, Mrs. Wood was left a widow, the death of her husband, from general paralysis, occurring in 1886. Mr. Wood was a man of culture, refinement, and education. He was a graduate of Hamilton College, New York, and there received the honorable degree of Ph. D. For many years he made teaching his profession, being at one time Principal of the High School at Oshkosh, and at another Principal in an academy at Racine. While filling the latter high position, he found that his failing health would compel him to seek a more genial climate, and accordingly came to this State, where his life was prolonged for five years. By his death, Mrs. Wood was left with the care and training of their two children : Jessie P., now (in 1888) fifteen years of age, and Alfred E., now thirteen years of age.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 415-416


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight