
Among the leading lawyers of Northern California, Louis Oneal figures prominently.  at the time of his election to the California Senate, in 1901, he had the distinction of being the youngest member of that body, but his marked ability was soon recognized by his colleagues and in the session of 1903 he was appointed chairman of the committee on corporations, a position he filled with such capability as to attract the attention of his associates.  He was particularly interested in the  removal of the capital from Sacramento to San Jose, for which he presented a bill, but with unfavorable results.  The ability displayed while a member of the State Senate was indeed gratifying  to the Republican party, which nominated him, and to his community in general.
Near Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nev., Senator Oneal was born, November 24, 1874, being second among three children comprising the family of George W. and Sarah G. (Trousdale) Oneal, natives, respectively, of Missouri and Illinois, but both residents of NEvada since about 1851.  At the time of crossing the plains George W. Oneal was only a boy, but he at once began to mine at Gold Hill.  Later he engaged in the cattle business in Paradise Valley, in which he continued for a long period; in later years horse and cattle raising occupied his attention.  During his entire residence in the west he was interested in mining.  For many years he resided in Santa Clara County, but is now deceased.  Louis Oneal obtained his early education  in the public schools of San Jose, supplemented with a business course.  His first means of livelihood was as a grocery clerk, but being energetic and determined to succeed, he began to study law privately continued until he was admitted to the bar, April 25, 1895.  With B. L. Ryder as a partner, he opened a law office in the Ryland block and later was in the office of Howell C. Moore.  In 1896 he was appointed deputy district attorney under B A Harrington and Oneal.  The county board of supervisors appointed him city justice in January. 1900, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John W. Gass, and he remained in the position until November, 1900, when he resigned, subsequent to his election  as state senator.  He has extensive interests in cattle and horse raising in Santa Clara County, to which he gives considerable time.
The marriage of Mr. Oneal in November, 1902, united him with Miss Anna Hatman, who was born in this city and received a thorough education abroad in the University of Leipsic. Is that famous institution her special studies were music and art, in which she had the advantage of the training of the best masters that Germany affords.  One son was born  to Mr. and Mrs. Oneal, Duncan, a Santa  Clara University student.  Mr. Oneal is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party and firmly believes that the platform of this party is conducive to the highest progress of the nation and the greatest prosperity of its citizens.  The Santa Clara County Republican League, when under his leadership, took an active part in campaign work and proved a valuable aid in local party work.  Fraternally, he is a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Tythias and the Elks.  He is progressive and enthusiastically interested in all civic affairs, and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. During his busy life, he takes time for recreation and finds the most pleasure in horseback riding.  It was largely through his influence that the California Round-up Association was organized, thus bringing the present generation a touch of the vivid life of the old Spanish days.  He has ever believed in constructive measures and has occupied a postion of leadership, and is actuated at all times by a high sense of duty.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1358