The Valley of Heart's Delight

"Hidden Villa"

Bio- Pen Pictures
Among the many attractive residence spots throughout the length and breadth of Santa Clara County, there is perhaps none that presents more points of advantage in the eyes of the lover of the beautiful in nature than the "Hidden Villa," situated amid the mountains northwest from Mountain View. The place, which consists of 600 acres, is the property of O. Arnold, of San Francisco. From the county road a rustic gateway opens into the place, and a winding roadway must then be traveled for quite a distance before the cottage comes into view. When it is reached, a glance around seems to show it almost completely shut in by precipitous mountains. A rustic fountain, rockery, and fish-pond stocked with trout, are pleasing features. There are about twenty acres set in choice varieties of wine and table grapes, and an orchard with a good variety of fruit for family use. Some Italian olive trees, planted near the entrance to the place, are showing a healthy growth.

Mr. Otto Arnold, who purchased this delightful retreat in 1887, is a native of Saxony. When a young man he accompanied Governor Latham to America, and in 1864 became a resident of San Francisco. He has been connected with the London and San Francisco Bank since 1869. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold now make the Hidden Villa their home during the greater
portion of the year.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. Transcribed by: Roena Wilson, page 351 


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY- The Valley of Heart's Delight
July 22, 2005