Dean of Women- State Normal School

A distinguished representative of the educational profession in California who has been privileged to contribute something definite, far-reaching and permanent toward the development of popular education in the great Pacific Commonwealth, and especially to help mould and direct educational movements in Santa Clara County, is Mrs. Mary W. George, formerly dean of women at the State Normal at San Jose. She was born in Racine, Wis., the daughter of S. W. and Elizabeth A. Wilson, and coming to San Jose with her mother at the age of twelve. She attended the high school of this city, and then continued her studies at the State Normal at San Jose, later matriculating at Stanford University. There she specialized in psychology and education, and in due time received the Bachelor of Arts degree.

At San Jose, on June 7, 1888, Miss Wilson was married to Professor T. C. George, at that time a member of the faculty of the University of the Pacific, a native of Ohio who brought with him to the Coast the Ohioan's glorious inheritance of a love and respect for learning. He was a deep student of the natural sciences, especially astronomy, visiting all the great observatories in Europe, and in the United States. This travel and 'first-hand knowledge of observatories and their work helped to make Professor George a very successful instructor in the department of astronomy. He had made his home in San Jose since coming to California in the '70s; and there he passed away, in 1895, the father of two children: Carolyn, who is now Mrs. William Huff of Kellogg, Idaho; and Charles M. George of San Francisco.

After Professor George's demise, Mrs. George took up work again at the State Normal School at San Jose, and soon became the dean of women; and for twenty years she continued in that eminent and responsible position, traveling extensively throughout the world and giving much time to the development of human geography in the schools of California, until her resignation in 1919.

She now lives at Carmel Highlands, the center of a devoted circle in which are both affectionate children and grandchildren. Mrs. Huff is the mother of two children: Elizabeth and Mary; and Charles M. George is the father of a son, Marquam Charles. Mrs. George maintains a keen interest in all that is going on in the world, and she is particularly interested in the elevation of politics, the promotion of higher civic standards, marching, as did her highly-esteemed husband with the Republicans, and never failing to give her full moral support to all that seems best for the community or region in which she lives.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1166


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight