
CHARLES MULE.—A resident of San Jose for more than twenty-five years, Charles Mule is a pioneer in his field of endeavor. He was born in Sicily on February 1, 1858, the son of Nicholas Mule, a shoemaker, who died when our subject was only two and a half years old. He had married Maria Lazzaroni, also a native of Sicily, where they grew up to enjoy a climate much like that of Santa Clara County; and she remarried after her husband's death. When between six and seven years old, Charles went to work in a bakery and macaroni factory; and when he reached military age, he served for thirty-two and a half months in the Italian Army.

On reaching his twenty-fourth year, Charles Mule migrated to the New World, sailing from Palermo on the Vincennes of Florio; and he landed at the historic old Castle Garden in New York on September 28, 1883. He worked in New York City for a while, and there learned the barber's trade; and from the metropolis he went to New Orleans, then to Bryan, Texas, and next to Dallas. at each of which places he worked as a barber. He reached San Francisco on November 19, 1889, and there bought a half-interest in a barber shop on Grant Avenue; but at the end of eighteen months, he bought into a shop on
Dupont Street, between Broadway and Vallejo streets, again securing a half interest. At the end of a year and a half, he had built for himself a shop at the entrance to the Midwinter fair of 1893-94, and on June 27, 1894, he came down to San Jose and purchased a barber shop on Fountain Street. He has since then had no less than five different barber shops in various locations in San Jose, established for the convenience of the public,—a fact that the public has not been slow to appreciate, as may be seen from his handsome patronage. His present shop is at 27 South Market Street.

Mr. Mule has been twice married. He was joined in matrimony first in the fall of 1894, when he was united with Miss Flora Malatesta, a native of San Jose, who died in 1896. In July, 1902, at San Fran cisco, Mr. Mule was married to Miss Maria Paggeto, a native of Sicily who came to America in 1901. She was the daughter of Frank and Antoinette Paggetto, both of whom died in Italy. She was reared in a convent at Palermo; and coming to America, she stayed for fourteen months with an aunt at San Francisco, and then, in 1902, came to San Jose. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mule: Mary is a junior in the San Jose high school, while Lena is a sophomore in the same institution. Mr. Mule is the owner of the residence at 897 Vine Street, where the family make their home. He belongs to the Masons and Odd Fellows, and in politics is a Republican, active in the local party organization.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1362