
A native of the Azores who has made good since coming to America, acquiring United States citizenship and establishing himself comfortably as a progressive, successful rancher, is M. T. Sequeira, of 52 Lucretia Avenue, about two miles southeast of San Jose. He was born on April 2, 1862, at Fayal, the son of M. T. Sequeira. who had married Miss Mary Sequeira, and when about fourteen or fifteen he crossed the ocean and on June 29, 1877, arrived at New Bedford, Mass. For nearly seven years he worked there for wages on a ranch, during which time he had all too little opportunity to attend school; and in 1883 he came West to California, first stopping for a while in San Francisco, and then locating in Contra Costa County. His first work on the Coast was in brickyards, as a laborer, and for fifteen years after he came to San Jose, in 1889, he was employed by the R. Millard Brick Manufactury Company at their plant on the Story Road.

While at New Bedford, Mr. Sequeira was married to Miss Amelia V. Sequeira, a native of St.George in the Azores; and she has become the mother of four children. Antone V. and Mary A. go to school; and there are Hannah A. and Helen. The family worship at the new Church of the Five Wounds, to the building of which Mr. Sequeira has donated much money. He belongs to the U. P. E. C., in which he is a past president, and to the Druids. A Republican in matters of national politics, he was made a citizen in San Jose. Mr. Sequeira owns eight acres of fine prune and apricot orchard near San Jose, while Mrs. Sequeira owns seventeen acres of excellent prune orchard, both superior ranch lands. He is a member of the California Prune & Apricot Growers, Inc., and does what he can to promote the activities and success of that organization.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1434


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight