
A worthy representative of the type of citizen that has made California a great state was the late Mathias Stocklmeier, whose strong and earnest manhood, forceful character, and business ability have been given toward the development of his home place located on the bank of Steven's Creek. He was born on June 21, 1861, in Amberg, Bavaria, and there grew up and received his education in the public schools of his native land. At the age of sixteen, he left Bavaria and came to the United States and almost immediately enlisted in the U. S. Army serving under General Shafter in the Indian warfare. He entered the service as corporal and was advanced to the position of sergeant and was studying for the position of a lieutenant, but before he had attained to that commission while stationed at Angel Island, he met Miss Adelaide Irmlear in San Francisco, the acquaintance resulting in their marriage. He then took his honorable discharge and quit the army to settle down and they chose Los Gatos as their home.

 Purchasing forty-five acres he engaged in the poultry business, but the hard times of 1893 and the burning of their house took away their chances of success. During the first great rush to the gold fields of Alaska, Mr. Stocklmeier was among the first to go. Going over Chilcoot Pass, he made his way to the Yukon and there he constructed two boats with which to carry supplies down the river. On the trip one boat sank with everything on board, and besides suffering the financial loss he suffered terrible hardships of intense cold and lack of food and sufficient clothing. The period of his first trip to Alaska covered two years, during this time he followed mining, then he returned to Oakland where his home was' located. but again the charms of the frontier life called to him and he set out for Alaska, this time for Nome, but misfortune again overtook him and he lost everything, a tidal wave sweeping his mine; and he returned to California.

 The family were then living at Oakland, and they removed to Santa Clara County, where Mr. Stocklmeier purchased three acres on the Stevens Creek Road, his residence being located on the banks of the Creek. It is particularly well located for the purpose he had in mind, that of making it a show place, in the already beautiful and attractive Santa Clara Valley. However, he was not inclined to settle down until he had made one more trial for a fortune in that new and wonderful country of Alaska, so he made another trip to Nome and after spending a few months there returned to his home and took up the work of  beautifying and improving his home place, now comprising six aces.  He did not long enjoy his home, however, as he passed away January 17, 1919, from influenza.

  Mr. and Mrs. Stocklmeier were the parents of three children; Louis E., a civil engineer, was a first lieutenant int he US Field Artillery and served overseas; Adel I. is a teacher in the College of Notre Dame; and Alphonse J. is a civil engineer, and was a second lieutenant in the Field Artillery. Mr. Stocklmeier was a man of artistic temperment and had carried out may of his plans and ideas in the construction of their home, so it is indeed a beautiful spot, and Mrs. Stocklemeier being in accord with her husband;s ideas is steadily improving it until in time Mr. Stockleier;s plans and ideas will have materialized. The family are held inhigh esteem in the community and their beautiful home is an example of what industry and perserverance wil accomplish.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1452


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight