"Old Harper Place" of Willow Glen District

 Bio-Pen Pictures

whose home is situated on Curtner Avenue, near its junction with the Almaden road, is the owner of one of the finest fruit orchards in the Willow Glen District. The seventeen acres, covered with about 2,200 trees, of all ages, comprises prunes, apricots, peaches, and cherries. Mr. Gibson purchased this property, known as the "Old Harper place," in March, 1887, paying $6,500 for it, and considered it a rare bargain.

        Mr. Gibson was born in Chenango County, New York, May 25, 1827. He is the son of Sewell and Mary (Leonard) Gibson, who were natives of that State. His father was of Scotch, and his mother of English, extraction. In 1835, when Martin was but six years old, his father died, being fifty-four years of age, and leaving seven small children, six boys and one girl. Of these, A. D., the eldest boy, died June 13, 1866, aged fifty-four; the sister, Mary E., died March, 1866, at the age of forty-four. There are still living: James A., aged seventy-one; John H., aged sixty-eight; Ira M., aged fifty-eight; Abel L., aged fifty-four. His mother, who remained a widow, continued to live in New York until 1842; she then removed to Erie County, Ohio, where she lived until the fall of 1850, when she settled, with her four youngest children, in Dell Prairie, Adams County, Wisconsin. At the same place Martin S. Gibson and Elizabeth, daughter of J. C. and Nabby Dockham, were united in marriage, April 16, 1855. She was a native of the State of Vermont. They lived in Adams County for seven years after their marriage, engaged in farming. They then removed to Baraboo, the county seat of Sauk County, Wisconsin, and engaged in general farming and hop-raising. In 1870, after years of successful hop-raising, he sold his real estate and established himself in the boot and shoe trade, doing quite an extensive manufacturing and retail business at Baraboo. Four years later he again turned his attention to agriculture. June. 10,1887, he left the rigorous climate of Wisconsin, and, with his family, came to Santa Clara County. In a short time he took possession of his present home.

        Mr. and Mrs. Gibson have two children, Sewell C. and Bessie, the latter being still at home with her parents.

        Mr. Gibson is a good, substantial citizen, and a man of sound judgment, and is well worthy of the prosperity which he enjoys. In politics he is a thorough Republican. He has taken an active part in religious affairs, being, with his wife, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of over thirty years' standing.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight