The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO-Sawyers. History of Santa Clara

   An energetic, enthusiastic and successful dairy farmer who has been able to retire on a competency through the assistance of his capable and devoted wife and as a result of their years of intelligent toil, is Manuel S. Brazil, who lives one mile north of Lawrence in Santa Clara County. Mr. Brazil was born on the Island of St. George, in Azores, fifty-three years ago and when eighteen he came to America, landing at Boston. He stayed in the Hub City only a few days and then migrated westward to Alameda County, Cal. For two years he worked for wages on dairy farms, mainly around Livermore, and then he started a dairy for himself in Marin County, where he met with exceptional success. In 1914 Mr. Brazil located in Santa Clara County and began farming. His ranch of 160 acres is situated on Lawrence Avenue, about one mile north of Lawrence on the Southern Pacific Railroad, a place he purchased that year, he has since devoted it to dairying, though at present leasing the dairy to others. This celebrated place was developed by an Eastern millionaire, a race horse fancier named McInerney, who maintained there a race track and built the finest horse barns in the county and he also had erected there a palatial country residence. The barns have been remodeled by Mr. Brazil for dairy purposes and one alone of the several structures can accommodate 100 milk cows.

   On May 11, 1900, Mr. Brazil was married to Miss Marie Costa, a native of his own birthplace and a daughter of John M. and Marie Costa. Her father was a prominent teacher and educator, who passed away in that country and the mother then brought her children to San Rafael, Cal., where one of her older sons lived, arriving in August, 1897, and it was there that Marie Costa met Mr. Brazil, the acquaintance resulting in their marriage, a union that has proven very happy to them both and has been blessed with five children; Helen was educated at Notre Dame College; John is a student at Santa Clara University; Marguerite is attending Notre Dame, and Manuel S., Jr., and Isabelle. All these sons and daughters are bright and interesting and such as would do credit to any family and are popular in their social circle. The family attend Saint Clare's Catholic Church in Santa Clara.

   Mr. Brazil attributes no small degree of credit for his success in life to his faithful wife, who has been his ready and able helpmate, for being a woman of much business acumen, she has aided him materially in achieving their ambition. Mrs. Brazil is very prominent in the S. P. R. S. I., a benevolent Portuguese order in the United States, she being one of the founders, with her sister, Mrs. Anna C. Martin, while they were still the Misses Costa. It was in March, 1898, that this national Portuguese order was founded and it has grown to a very large membership. Mrs. Brazil was an officer from its organization, serving five years as secretary of the financial committee, and is one of the past presidents of the Grand Council of the S. P. R. S. I. of California, serving in that capacity in 1915, and that year she travelled over California visiting the 122 councils from Siskiyou to San Diego. The order is in very sound financial condition and has paid over a million dollars in benefits. Mrs. Brazil is also a member of the Y. L. I. and the Catholic Ladies' Aid Society, being an ex-treasurer of the latter. She is a cultured and refined woman and her influence has done much to improve the condition and establish high ideals among Portuguese-American citizens of California.

   Having started dairying at San Rafael, Mr. Brazil also conducted dairies at Vallejo and Oakland, and in the latter city he was in the dairy business for seven years. He is a stockholder in the Portuguese-American Bank of San Francisco and also is a member of the San Francisco Milk Producers' Association, of which for a time he served as a director. Fraternally he is a member of the U. P. E. C. He is a liberal and enterprising man with a kindliness of heart and mind which enables him to assist worthy enterprises that are meant to advance the comfort and happiness of the people.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1408


Santa Clara County- The Valley of Heart's Delight