
A Prominent among the best-trained, most successful teachers, whose popularity, extending through Santa Clara County, has been clearly due to hard, efficient work coupled with the influence of an attracting personality, is Miss Mildred P. Hanson, who resides at 774 South Eighth Street, San Jose. A native daughter proud of her heritage, she was born at Sonora, in Tuolumne County, Cal., and her father was Jesse Kimball Hanson, a member of an honored New England family of farmer folk. He came out to San Francisco in '49, sailing around Cape Horn to get there, and from San Francisco he hurried into the southern mines of Tuolumne. He was not particularly successful, however, and instead of pinning his faith to the digging for gold, he opened a book store, where he also sold Chinese curios. He also managed the telegraph station at Sonora, for he was an expert operator. He was a well-read man, and found a worthy, inspiring companion in his wife, who was Miss Annie E. Patrick before her marriage, the member of a family that had migrated in 1760 to South Carolina from French Lorraine, and which eventually became represented in North Carolina, Tennessee and Northern Alabama.

 Miss Patrick's father made his way to California for the first time via the Isthmus of Panama, after which he returned to the East by the same route; then he brought his family across the great plains, and once here he became a member of the State Legislature, and for many years he was sheriff of Tuolumne County. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson removed to Fresno County, where the mother died in 1870; the father continued in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad, whose service he had entered, being stationed at Tehachepi and Tulare. When the private line was built from Goshen to Visalia he became station agent at Visalia. In 1878 he, too, passed away, honored by all who knew him as a progressive,' dependable pioneer citizen.

Miss Mildred Hanson was graduated from the San Jose high school in 1883, and eighteen months later received from the State Normal School at San Jose her certificate for teaching. The first school to which she was assigned was in the Elbow Creek district, where she was in charge of some thirty-five pupils for a year; and then she spent a year and a half in the public schools of San Luis Obispo County. After that, she moved north to Washington, and for a season taught at Waitsburg, getting a good idea of the conditions of life in that locality, and so enlarging her knowledge of Pacific Coast geography.

In the fall of 1889, she came to San Jose and entered the Willow Glen School as a primary teacher, becoming the fourth teacher on the staff for that season; and at the beginning of the school term in 1908 she was appointed principal, and then there were six teachers. Ever alert and untiring in constructive work and desirable legislation, and the building up a fine elementary school. Miss Hanson has kept abreast of the times, and now a new and handsome school edifice is being erected to accommodate the increasing number of pupils there. The coming year Miss Hanson is to continue as the vice-principal of the school, although for some time she has contemplated retiring from active professional duties. For years she has been a member of the executive committee of the Santa Clara County Teachers' Association, in which her influence has always been wide and helpful to every important interest, and in support of the worthiest movements. With her sister, Miss Margaret Hanson. who is vice-principal of the Visalia-Jefferson Grammar School, Miss Hanson owns the residence at 74 South Eighth Street. San Jose, which has been their home for some years; another sister is Mrs. C. L. Witten. the wife of Judge Witten of San Jose. History and ancestry, both recalling the fine old days of early California and New England, as well as Southern. are subjects of attraction to these ladies, for their forefathers were among the Kimballs and Hansons who settled in New Hampshire as early as 1640. became prominent professionally, and figured in Colonial history and the building of the nation. These forebears also included Maj. John L. Patrick and his brother, Capt. George W. Patrick, whose reputation for prowess in another part of the United States was equally enviable. They have good reason, therefore, to be proud of their ancestors, as they are of the great Pacific commonwealth in which they themselves have had their part in social and educational formations, and Santa Clara and Tulare counties may well he congratulated upon securing such pedagogical talent as that of the Misses Hanson.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight