



The firm of Morrison and Wallace, confectioners, 1012 Franklin Street, Santa Clara, California, known as the Wallace Candy Store, is one of the most popular and best patronized business places in its line in the Santa Clara Valley. This firm is composed of L. J. Morrison and Mrs. A. C. Wallace—brother and sister. being a son and a daughter of the late J. D., and Mary Morrison, who were both of Scotch ancestry and born at Glengarry, in the province of Ontario, Canada, where they were married and reared a family of ten children. In the early '90s their oldest son, John Cameron Morrison, came to Santa Clara. Soon thereafter he was joined by his two younger brothers, Kenneth and Angus, and then, a little later, came Norman D., and in 1902 the parents and the rest of the family came to Santa Clara, and have played an important part as leading citizens. The father passed away in 1908, but the mother still lives at Santa Clara, in comfortable circumstances, close to the homes of several of her children, who are all most highly respected.

 The ten children are: John Cameron, the well-known and able draftsman for the Pacific Manufacturing Company, resides in Santa Clara; Donald, is a rancher at Milestone, Saskatchewan, Canada; Kenneth, and Angus, comprise the firm of Morrison Brothers, leading contractors and builders at Santa Clara where they both reside; Sarah, who is now Mrs. Jewell, and resides with her husband at Chicago, Illinois; Dr. Norman D. Morrison is a physician and surgeon of San Mateo, California; Catherine is the wife of Angus J. Bradley, an extensive rancher at Milestone, Saskatchewan, Canada; Annie is the wife of A. C. Wallace, the shipping clerk for the Pacific Manufacturing Company at Santa Clara and a partner in the firm of Morrison & Wallace; Louis J. Morrison also of the said firm resides in Santa Clara, and Lolla, is the wife of L. Brown, a rancher at Modesto. This large and remarkable family, comes from some of the oldest and most noted families of Scotland, and are a most valuable acquisition to Santa Clara's social, business, industrial and professional life.

The Wallace Cady Store is a first class place, with an elegant ice cream parlor and lunch room, candy store and kitchen, where confections of the best quality are manufactured. The place is also provided with an up-to-date soda water fountain, where syrups and crushes made from choice Santa Clara Valley fruits are manufactured and served. This place is growing in trade and popularity, since both of the partners, give it their best personal attention.

Louis J. Morrison is a draftsman of note, having been employed as such for many years by the Pacific Manufacturing Company before he entered in the confectioner's line by starting his first store at Gilroy. He had moved to Mountain View, where he was engaged in the same line when the World War broke out. He lost no time in enlisting in the Canadian army, serving in the aviation department for two years. He was born in Canada August 24, 1880, and came to Santa Clara a young man, where he has by hard work and square dealing reached a prominent place among its prosperous business men.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wallace are the parents of two talented daughters: Catherine, who is a student in the Teacher's College at San Jose, and Margaret, who is in high school. They reside in their pleasant home on Monroe Street. Mrs. Wallace is a Sunday School teacher and with the rest of the Morrison family belongs to the Presbyterian Church and is consistently Republican in politics.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1470

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight