McCarthysville becomes Saratoga

 Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased, was born in County Clare, Ireland, in 1825. When he was a young man he emigrated to the United States, and was at New Orleans when the Mexican War broke out. He enlisted in the government service from that place in a company commanded by Captain Graham. After the close of the war he remained in the army until 1849. He then left his regiment in New Mexico and came to California, where he went into the mines and worked for seven weeks. He then settled where Saratoga now is, before any town had started there. He erected a house the same year, which was the beginning of the town, and other settlers soon after followed. A town sprung up and was called McCarthysville, by which name it was known for some time. The house he built is now standing, and is a good, comfortable residence, occupied by his widow. He brought with him quite a sum of money, which he had saved from his earnings while in the army, together with a number of mules which he sold at a good price. During his short stay in the mines he made about $20,000. He took up about 320 acres of land, which he supposed at that time was government land; but ten months after his death it was found to have been a Spanish claim and belonged to some parties in San Jose. His widow, in making a settlement of the claim, bought 128 acres, a part of which still remains in her possession. Mr. McCarthy built a turnpike road, the one which now goes through the town into the mountains, upon which he expended $12,000. After operating it as a toll-road for about a year, it was converted into a county road. He had obtained a charter from the Spanish authorities for a period of twelve years, but for some reason he never realized from it the amount invested. In the mountains he had a saw-mill, which he operated for three years.

        He was married, in 1853, to Hannah Barry, a native of County Wexford, Ireland, who came to this country the same year, when she was seventeen years old. She lived in San Jose ten months before her marriage. Mr. McCarthy died in 1864, leaving a family of four children, of whom three are now living: William, court stenographer for San Benito County, which position he has filled for four years; Margaret L., wife of Matthew Wilson, residents of the same county; Daniel M., residing on the home place, now serving his second term as constable of Redwood Township.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 629-630



 Bio-Pen Pictures

            William J. McCaughin came to California November, 1886.  He is a native of Illinois, having been born in Fulton County, in the town of Farmington, January 16, 1859.  His parents were Hugh and Margaret (Jamison) McCaughin.  His mother died when he was but three years of age.  His father and the family removed to Peoria County, Illinois, and there he was reared.  In 1875 he removed to Iowa, and located in Warren County, where he followed farming, and accumulated property interests, which he still retains.  In November, 1886, he came to Placer County, California, and one month later removed to Cloverdale, Sonoma County.  A short time after this occurred his removal to Santa Clara County.  On the twenty-fifth of October, 1887, he became superintendent of the Breyfogle and Mayburg property, near Madrone, and many improvements have been made under his direction.  He was married at Indianola, in Warren County, Iowa, December 25, 1879, to Miss Sarah S. Clough, a native of Iowa.  They have four children, as follows:  Morris, May, Carl, and Frank.  Politically, Mr. McCaughin is a Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 344
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight