Bio-Pen Pictures

M. H. Hyland, attorney at law, residing at No. 132 North Fourth Street, San Jose, is a most pleasing example of what might be termed a pre-eminently self-made man.  Courteous in his home, frank and affable in his conversation and intercourse with his fellow-man, he is withal a clear-headed and successful business man, an able attorney, and a politician honored in the councils of his party.  Born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1852, he was, by the death of his parents, Thomas and Jane (Leighton) Hyland, thrown upon his own resources at a very tender age.  Leaving Boston at the age of nine years, he went to New Hampshire, where he worked on farms, and later in Massachusetts for about six years.  During that time he worked in Boston for about one year.  In 1869 he came to California, remaining in San Francisco for a few months, when he came to San Jose, where he has remained almost constantly since that time.  His first employment here was in a planing mill, where he continued for about two years, gathering together sufficient capital to establish himself in the poultry, fish, and game business.  In this business he continued until 1882, making a fair financial success.  In January, 1883, he accepted the position of chief deputy in the county clerk’s office, holding that position for two years, during which time he devoted his spare hours to the study of law.  During all these years of labor and gradual advancement in life, Mr. Hyland had been studying privately and improving his mind, gathering together the elements of a self-acquired education.  In January, 1885, he was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the State.  He has since that time been engaged in the practice of law and in looking after his varied interests.

He was married, in 1878, to Miss Annie E. Jamison, a native of Clay County, Missouri, her parents having moved to that State from Kentucky.  In 1864 they came to California, crossing the plains in the regulation ox-team wagons.

            Mr. Hyland is a member of San Jose Lodge, No. 34, I.O.O.F., and is secretary of that Lodge.  He is also secretary of the Odd Fellows’ Hall Association.  He is a member of the Democratic party and secretary of the Democratic County Committee.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 98-99

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight