Superintendent of Oak Hill Cemetery-1883

 Bio-Pen Pictures

            M. H. Gay, Superintendent of Oak Hill Cemetery, is a native of Illinois, born at Payson, Adams County, April 10, 1842.  His father, Milus Gray, was a native of North Carolina, born in Iredell County, in 1811, and reared there.  In 1833, he removed to Illinois, and engaged in merchandising in Adams County.  In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, and went into the mines at Drytown; going back to Illinois in 1852, he returned to California with his family, the journey to Sacramento occupying the time from the third of April to September 6.  He also shipped out several hundred fanning-mills, and he occupied about one year in disposing of these, making San Jose his residence and headquarters.  In 1853 he bought an interest in a ranch, on a portion of which the subject of this sketch now resides, and afterward effected the purchase of a 500-acre lot, from which was withheld a forty-acre tract,--the site of the cemetery.  Here he lived until his death, which occurred in 1878.  His wife had preceded him to the grave, her death occurring in December, 1873.  She was a member of the First Methodist Church.  In politics, he was a Whig and afterward a Republican.

            M. H. Gay, the subject of this sketch, was reared from early boyhood in this State, and here received his education.  He graduated at the University of the Pacific in 1865, and afterward was an instructor there for a time.  Thence he went to Los Gatos, but after teaching one term was called to the chair of languages in his alma mater, which he filled for four years.  He read law in the office of the firm of Silent & Herrington, and entered the District Clerk’s office as deputy, serving in that capacity with Messrs. Belden and Finley.  In 1874 he went to San Buenaventura, and established the Bank of Ventura.  With that institution he was connected for four and a half years, acting as its cashier and manager.  On the death of his father he returned to the home ranch and took charge of it.  He was nominated by the Republican Convention of 1880 for Representative from this district in the General Assembly of California, and at the ensuing election was chosen by the electors of the district to the position.  In the session of 1881 he served on the Committees on Public Buildings, and Road and Highways.  He has served Franklin School District as Trustee since 1878, and in January, 1883, was chosen Superintendent of Oak Hill Cemetery.

            Mr. Gay was married October 23, 1872, to Miss Ella Sinex, a native of Indiana, reared in Michigan, and daughter of Dr. T. H. Sinex.  Dr. Sinex was educated at the celebrated institution at Greencastle, Indiana, now known as De Pauw University.  He was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church by Bishop Simpson.  In 1864 he came to Santa Clara, and preached here three years.  He was made President of the University of the Pacific, and devoted his great energy and ability to the upbuilding of the institution, being connected with it altogether about twelve years.  He preached at Bush Street Church, San Francisco, and since 1886 has filled the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Pacific Grove.  His wife was formerly Mary E. Ward, a native of Bloomfield, New Jersey.  Mr. and Mrs. Gay have one child, Henry Milus.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 346-347

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight