The Valley of Heart's Delight

One of Mayfields first residents

Bio-Pen Pictures

Michel Dubs, of Mayfield, one of the old settlers of Santa Clara County, is a native of France, born in Alsace on the  twenty-seventh day of September, 1824, his parents being Francis Joseph and Teresa (Schembacher) Dubs.  A brother of his father was a soldier in the army of France, and was killed in Tahiti.  His father was a vineyardist, who died in 1857, and wife in 1868.  The subject of this sketch was reared in Alsace to vine-growing.  In 1843 he went to Paris, and engaged at gardening.  The Revolution occurred during his residence at the capital. In August, 1848, he went back to Alsace, but returned to Paris in July, 1849.  In April, 1850, he went to Havre, and there took passage on the steamship Zurig (Captain Thompson).  He landed on the twenty-fourth of May at New York, and remained there for three and a half years.

On the fifth of September, 1853, he set out for California taking the steamer at New York, and making the journey by the Nicaragua route.  He landed at San Francisco about the middle of October, and the following day started for the mines.  It was his intention to go to Stockton on the steamer New World,  but mere chance caused him to take the Sophia  instead.  On arriving at Stockton, it was noticed that almost the entire population was at the landing, and he soon learned that the New Word had been blown up , and its passengers killed.  He went into the mines at Columbia and there remained between two and three months, then returned to San Francisco.  He had got down to his last half dollar before he obtained employment.  He remained in this city until September, then came to Mayfield and bought out a squatter's claim in that vicinity of the town.  He resided on it two years, but finding what he had supposed to be government land was claimed by other parties under a grant, he left the place and went to the Santa Gregoria Rancho, bought land, and settled on it in 1857.  He then engaged in dairying and general farming, with success,  He bought land where he now resides in 1868, and put up a substantial residence in 1871. The family has resided here ever since.  He has 1, 412 acres of the old Santa Gregoria Rancho, and has an interest in other property besides his home, at Mayfield.

He was married, in San Francisco, in 1871, to Miss Lutringer, a native of Upper Alsace, who came to America in 1864.  They have four children living, viz; Felicite, Adolph, Emma, and Xavier. Mr. and Mrs. Dubs lost three children by death from diptheria, in 1879, within two days.  Their names were: Maria Teresa, Mathilda, and Josephine.  Mr. Dubs, while leaning to the Democratic party, is yet substantially independent in his political view, being guided more by his judgment of men and principles than by strict adherence to party lines.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Carolyn Feroben , page 626