Resident Superintendent of Laurel Wood Farm

 Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the magnificent estates in Santa Clara County is the Laurel Wood Farm, owned by P. J. Donahue, of San Francisco. It comprises nearly 1,000 acres, located on the east side of the Santa Clara and Alviso road, its southern boundary extending the northern limits of Santa Clara. But a small portion, comparatively, of these lands are yet devoted to orchard or vineyard cultivation, twenty-five acres being in vines producing wine grapes of the Zinfandel and Mission varieties, and table grapes of the Sweetwater and Muscat varieties; twenty acres are devoted to berry cultivation, producing strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries; ten acres are used as a family orchard, in which are nearly all the varieties of fruits grown in Santa Clara County. The rest of this extensive farm is devoted to hay, grain, and stock-raising. Great care and attention are devoted to stock-raising, and this farm produces some of the finest specimens of horses and cattle bred in the county. Of the 150 horses on this place, nearly all are thoroughbred. Among the racing and trotting stock, special mention is made of the noted stallions "Duke of Norfolk," Kirel D.," and " Patchen;" also some beautiful horses of the famed " Wildidle " stock. The draft horses are bred from Norman and English stock. There are about 150 head of cattle on this farm, all of which are full-bred Durham stock. Seven artesian wells furnish a plentiful supply of water, one of which is worthy of special mention, as flowing fully two inches of water above a twelve-inch pipe.

        A handsome and commodious residence, surrounded by beautiful grounds, containing extensive lawns, graveled roads, and shaded walks, is located on this farm about two miles north of the business center of Santa Clara. Among the horticultural productions of these grounds are some of the rarest flowers, trees, etc., produced in the county, while the fragrant laurel-wood tree, from which the farm derives its name, is here shown in its most beautiful form.

        Mr. M. C. Jordan, a former resident of San Francisco, has the immediate care of this extensive property as its resident superintendent. The high state of cultivation displayed, and the successful breeding of stock shown on this place, all attest the care, attention, and efficient management of its superintendent. Mr. Jordan's previous experience and callings have rendered him peculiarly adapted to an enterprise of this character. In early life and young manhood, he was reared to practical farm life. In later life, and for years preceding his superintendency of this farm, he was connected with various corporations in positions of trust and responsibility. He was connected with the " Omnibus" Street Railroad in San Francisco, for sixteen years, and for the last eight years of that time was its superintendent.
Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 528-529


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight