Bio-Pen Pictures

A.M. McCabe, proprietor of McCabe’s Hat Store, 41 West Santa Clara Street, is one of San Jose’s most energetic and prosperous young business men.  His was the pioneer hat store in the city, having been established by J. S. Woods twenty-four years ago.  Mr. McCabe started in thirteen years ago as a clerk in the establishment, and after seven years’ experience in that capacity he purchased the stock, tools, fixtures, and good-will of his employer, and succeeded him in the business.  Mr. McCabe carries a large and complete stock of head gear of the best quality—larger, indeed, than is kept by any retail dealer in San Francisco.  He also manufactures silk, and other patterns of hats to order. He is conceded to be the leading hatter in the Santa Clara Valley, and every year witnesses a growth in his business.

            Mr. McCabe came to California from Ireland at the age of twenty years.  He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and is one of the charter members of the Young Men’s Institute, an organization for mutual improvement and mutual benefit.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 395
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



 Bio-Pen Pictures

            William B. and James A. McCarley, proprietors of the Occidental Stables, at Nos. 28 to 34 North Second Street, have been engaged in business in San Jose for the past four years, and for twenty-five years have been residents of Santa Clara County.  Their parents are Samuel W. and Hannah A. (Harbert) McCarley, who came to Santa Clara County from Iowa in 1862, where their father engaged in farming until 1880.  The boys worked on their father’s farm and went to school together until they grew to manhood, and then for five years they farmed together.  William B. was born in 1857, and James A. in 1860.  In 1884 they established a livery business, in which they have been interested since that time.  They own the property on which their stables are located, being 64x137 ½ feet.  By careful attention to their customers, and looking after every detail, they have built up a good business, having added largely to their stock of horses, buggies, and carriages.

            William B. was married in 1882 to Miss Mary C. Eddy, of Contra Costa County.  They have one child, Lena May, born July 20, 1886.  James A. was married in 1884 to Miss Maggie E. Tarpley, of Martinez, Contra Costa County.  They have one child, James A., Jr., born in March, 1886.  There were six children in Samuel W. McCarley’s family, viz.:  Annie B., the wife of D. B. Fuller, of Evergreen; William B., James A., Mary E., the wife of W.B. Rucker, Deputy County Clerk; Frank J., owning and running a carry-all; and Samuel W., attending school in San Jose.  Mr. McCarley owned 200 acres of land eight miles from San Jose, which he sold in 1887 and purchased his beautiful home in San Jose.  He is a native of Kentucky, near Lexington, and first moved to Illinois, and from there to Jefferson County, Iowa, and thence to California.  Mrs. McCarley is a native of Illinois, where she met and married Mr. McCarley.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 382-383
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight