A rancher shoe intelligent operatons and enviable results entitle him to genersal respect is George W. Calikins, living at his home on the Saratoga Road.  Mr. Calkins was born in Richmond, Wis., 1863, and is the son of George and Mary (Markham) Calkins, who are both atives of England.  Mr. Calkins' parens came to the United States when they were very young, and began farming in Wisconsin. The father passed away some time ago in Wisconsin, whele the mother spent her last days in Santa Clara County.  Of their six children, George is the youngest, He attended school in Wisconsin, after which he followed farming until 1893.
Mr. Calkins was married in Lawson, Colo., in 1893, to Miss Bertha Bullock, born near Janesville, Wis. They came to California and settled in Santa Clara County in the year 1893, where he purchased his present property, consisting of twenty-two acres, which was set to prunes, peaches and apricots.  His orchards are considered amont the very best in that vicinity and he has spent much time and labor and planting  them to this degree of productiveness. He is a believer in cooperative marketing and is a member oft he California Prune & Apricot Growers Association and the California Peach Growers Association and the Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America.  Mr. Calkins is a man who has always worked for the forward movement of the community in which he lives and has made many good friends.  Politically he is a Republican. He is a member of the San Jose Grange and of the Woodmen of the World.  In religous faith, he and his wife are active members off the first Methodist Episcopal Church in San Jose.
Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 1347

Mark Calkins
BIO Pen-pictures

MARK CALKINS is the owner of an orchard farm in the Berryessa School District, located on the Milpitas and Berryessa road, about four and a half miles south of Milpitas. His property contains thirty-four acres, and is devoted to fruit culture. The orchard contains 1,700 French prune, 1,200 apricot, 500 peach, and 75 cherry trees. There are also a few vines, which produce table grapes of the Muscat, Tokay, and Sweetwater varieties. Mr. Calkins has made the cultivation of raspberries of the Cuthbert variety a profitable branch of the industry, as his bushes yield largely and five months of the year. Although the orchard is young, that it promises to be among the best the following estimate will show: In 1887, form the two-year-old apricot trees, the crop of green fruit sold for $45 per acre, while in the same season, the fruit from the peach trees of the same age realized $85 per acre. Water is found in abundance on this farm at a depth of 60 feet, and from a ten-inch well 10,000 gallons a day can be procured. A comfortable cottage home and substantial out-buildings complete the aspect of prospeity which this property wears. Adjoining this farm is a splendid orchard of 74 acres, containing over 8,000 French prune trees. This property belongs to Mr. Calkins' brother-in-law, F. M. Smith, but is in the charge of Mr. Calkins. His success in the management of these large interests clearly proves his thorough knowledge of his business.

The subject of our sketch was born in Lincolnshire County, England, near Brigg, on the twenty-first of March, 1843. He is the son of George and Mary (Markham) Calkins, who emigrated to the United States in 1845, and located at Brockport, New York. There they made their home for a few years, when they went as far west as Wisconsin, and settled in Walworth County. There they engaged in farming, and to that work the subject of our sketch was reared, at the same time receiving a good common-school education. At the age of twenty years he started out in life for himself by renting and working land in Wisconsin. Engaged in agriculture in that State, he spent almost twenty years, leaving it in 1882, to come to this State. He located in Santa Clara County, and soon after bought twenty acres of land on the Hostetter road, in the improvement and cultivation of which he spent eighteen months. At the end of that time he sold the place to J. G. F. Berghauser, and purchased his present homestead, upon which he has since resided. He has entered thoroughly into his horticultural work, and is destined to rank among the leading fruit-growers of the county. Politically, he is a Republican, and has held several offices of trust in the gift of the people. In Wisconsin, he held the reponsible position of Town Treasurer of Richmond, and also served two terms in the same town as Supervisor. Industrious, liberal, and public-spirited, he is a desirable acuqisition to his community.

Mrs. Calkins was formerly a resident of Wisconsin, in which State, in 1878, Mr. Calkins married her. She was Miss Ida L. Smith, the daughter of Henry G. and Charlotte (Paul) Smith, natives of New York and pioneers of Wisconsin. Two children have been born in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Calkins, one of whom, Lena M., is living.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p.  276-277

Transcribed by  Carol Lackey