The Valley of Heart's Delight


 Bio- Pen Pictures

Michael Bellew resides on the south side of the Milpitas and Alviso road, on the east bank of the Coyote Creek, in the Milpitas School District, about three miles east of Alviso, and one mile west of Milpitas.  There he is the owner of ninety-three acres of land, ten acres of which are devoted to fruit culture, comprising apricots, German prunes, plums, pears, apples, peaches, and cherries.  He has also three acres producing strawberries of the Sharpless variety, while in his extensive vegetable cultivation he is using twenty acres, upon which he raises onion, carrots, potatoes, etc.  There are also 4 ½ acres to devoted to asparagus.   The remainder of this land, with the exception of 1 ½ acres of blackberries, is devoted to hay, grain, and stock.  Of the latter he has a dairy of forty milch cows, also twenty head of horses of the Normandy gray Messenger stock.  A fine artesian well furnishes a six-inch flow of water over an eight-inch pipe, giving all the water needed for irrigation and stock purposes.  Mr. Bellew is also the owner of one hundred and twenty-eight acres of land on the north side of the Alviso and Milpitas road, lying on the west bank of the Coyote Creek.  Twenty acres of this land are devoted to asparagus, five to strawberries, and twenty to the production of various market vegetables.  The remainder of this place is used for hay, grain, and stock.  There is also a good artesian well on this place.
            The subject of this sketch was born in Meath County, Ireland, in 1830.  His parents, Michael and Mary (Clinton) Bellew, were natives of that county.  In early life his schooling facilities were limited.  His father was a cattle trader and drover, in which calling he was reared until eighteen years of age.  He was also during this time made familiar with farming operations.  The knowledge gained by Mr. Bellew in these years of stock-raising and farming have been of great assistance in after years.  In 1848 he accompanied his uncle to the United States, landing in New York.  From there he went to Massachusetts and was engaged as a farm laborer in various places in that  State for about three years, after which he removed to Seneca County, New York, and followed farming occupations until 1853, when he came to California, via the Nicaragua route, arriving in San Francisco in January.  After a short visit to Santa Clara County and the mines, he returned to that city, where, after a short stay, he located in the mines in Butte County, and for several months was engaged in an unsuccessful pursuit after wealth.  Disgusted with his want of success, he entered the Government employ at Mare Island, where he worked until August, 1861, when he took up his present residence upon land he had purchased the previous year.  Since that time Mr. Bellew has followed the calling of farmer.  Energy and industry, combined with a well-poised intellect and natural business tact, have insured his success, and he now owns some of  the finest lands in his section.  He is a well-known and respected member of the community in which he lives.  Catholic in religion and Democratic in politics, in both relations he is strong and consistent.  In October, 1858, he married Miss Eliza Kenney, the daughter of Edward and Mary (Tracy) Kenney, who were natives of Roscommon County, Ireland.  By this marriage six children have been born, five of whom are living, viz.: William F.,  John H., Mary E., Catherine R., and Joseph M.  In the management of his extensive farms, Mr. Bellew is ably assisted by his sons, above mentioned.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 221-222
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler


SANTA CLARA COUNTY- The Valley of Heart's Deligth