
Numbered among the public-spirited and philanthropic citizens who are well known in Santa Clara County, in fact throughout the entire State of California, is Stonewall J. Mayock, proprietor of the Central Hotel at Gilroy where he has lived and labored since 1874. He is a son of the late Michael and Mary J. (Forbes) Mayock. the former a native of County Mayo, Ireland. and the latter of Georgia, where the Forbes family has been established for several generations. Sidney Forbes, Mrs. Mayock's father, was a man of responsibi1ity and influence, and he was thus able to bequeath the most valuable of heritages. Michael Mayock came to America when he was a lad, and his ambition and perseverance stood by him in his struggle with the land of his adoption. In Georgia he found more than a competence, gaining there a wife, who stimulated him by her devotion as he engaged in merchandising and mining. Leaving his family in the East, he joined the tide of emigration to the West in 1849, and for a couple of years engaged in mining in Placer County. Then he returned to his Georgia home and bought a plantation, which he operated with success until ruined by the Civil War. He then removed to California and settled in Gilroy in 1874, finding congenial employment with Miiller & Lux. While he was engaged with a cutter he lost one of his arms, and he died when eighty-four years of age. He left a widow and six children:
Barbara. Mrs. H. D. Martin, of Gilroy; Maggie became Mrs. Barrows and resides in the same city; Henry Thompson; Levi, a stockman of San Benito County; Stonewall J., of this review; and Robert L. of San Francisco. Mrs. Mayock lived to be about eighty-six years  old.

Stonewall J. Mayock, or "Stoney," as he was more familiarly known by his friends, was born at Dawsonville, Ga., on November 14. 1862, and from the age of twelve has lived in Gilroy, where he went to school and followed odd jobs such as lads of his day and age were wont to pursue. After he had  sptent several years in various lines of business he finally became a traveling salesman for Sherwood & Sherwood of San Francisco, and also represented C. P. Morman & Co., of Louisville, Ky for many years. In 1906 he purchased the Central Hotel in Gilroy, and ever since then has been its proprietor; he also owns other desirable property in Bodfish Canyon district.

At Sonora. Tuolumne County, Mr. Mayock was united in marriage with Miss Nellie Starbird and they became parents of two children: Robert S., and Wellburn F. Both boys were graduated from the Gilroy high school, then continued their studies at the University of California, majoring in law. At the breaking out of the World War, just as they had graduated, they both enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for eighteen months. Upon returning to Gilroy, Wellburn became connected with the Gilroy branch of the Garden City Bank and Trust Company. Subsequently passing the examination at the California Bar successfully, he became connected with the firm of E. D. Crawford & Co., now Crawford & Mayock who do a general real estate, insurance and brokerage business in connection with the law. Robert Mayock is also connected with this firm and handles the real estate and brokerage departments very successfully. Wellburn married Barbara Schmitt and they have two children, Barbara Ellen and Wellburn Stoney Mayock. :Mrs. S. J. Mayock died in 1919, mourned by all who knew her.

Stoney Mayock is one of the most entertaining conversationalists, his extensive travels giving him a fund of information and anecdote. He is warm-hearted and kindly of disposition and loyal to his friends giving aid to those who need it and encouragement to the unfortunate. It has been his pleasure to mingle in political affairs, and he has served as post-master of Gilroy under Grover Cleveland's administration. He is a member of the Elks and always takes an active interest in promoting all measures for the good of Santa Clara County.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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