
A substantial citizen of Los Gatos who has contributed his full share to its steady upbuilding is Luigi M. Mariotti, who was born in the Province of Massa Carrara, Italy, on December 26, 1862. He was the son of Augustine Mariotti, a man of affairs in the old home place, but both father and mother are now deceased. The fourth of a family of six children, Luigi M. Mariotti was educated in the schools of his native province, and later assisted his father in his business until 1887, when he came to America, arriving at Napa, Cal., with $10.40 in his pocket, where for the next nine years he worked on ranches. He began working at eighteen dollars a month and later started in the fruit business in San Francisco, made some money and went to Los Angeles, where he worked in a soda works two years. Then, after a short time spent in Napa, he went to San Francisco, where he engaged in the grocery and fuel business, and later he was in the liquor and cigar business, remaining there until 1907, when he took up his residence at Los Gatos.

As early as 1904 Mr. Mariotti had purchased the Los Gatos Hotel on East Main Street, that city, and after the fire in 1906, he sold out his bakery and in 1907 came to Los Gatos and took charge of the hotel. About the same time he established the Los Gatos Soda Works, which he built up to a large business. In 1912 he discontinued the hotel business and converted it into a lodging house and restaurant that he rents, also four other stores.

He purchased to the rear of the lot at the comer of Main
and Wilcox streets and here he now has an acre of ground, and manufactures all kinds of soft drinks, in which he has built up an excellent patronage. He also owns other valuable residence property in Los Gatos, which he rents.

In 1900 Mr. Mariotti took a trip back to his native Italy and while there was married to Miss Elena Babini, and shortly after their marriage they made the long journey to San Francisco.  Six children blessed their marriage: Therese, August M., Frank, Julia, Louis, Eugene, all at home, and are receiving every educational advantage which their parents can bestow upon them. Mr. Mariotti has been favored with good success in his business enterprises and is numbered among Los Gatos' prosperous citizens, a well-earned reward for his years of thrift. He is a member of the Druids in San Jose, and in politics is an independent, favoring every movement that will aid in the progressive development of this beautiful district of California.

Transcribed by cferoben  from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1609