Bio-Pen Pictures

In the lovely valley of Santa Clara, where there are so many features to charm and delight the eye of the lover of the beautiful, it is indeed a difficult task to select the most handsome individual places; but even here there are some which present so many attractions to be worthy of much more than a passing notice. Some six miles south of San Jose, on the main highway between that point and Monterey, is one of these notable places. It is the farm residence of Mrs. Mary Hayes and her family, and is said by those competent to judge, to have no superior in natural beauty in the State of California. In this tract are 240 acres, and of this, a beautiful natural grove of live-oak trees cover thirty acres. This is the residence plat. Along its front, and bordering the avenue, is a row of stately eucalyptus trees, which adorn the place without intercepting the view from the roadway. When the present owners took possession, in 1887, the grounds were already handsome, but a vast amount of labor, judiciously directed, has since been expended in beautifying them. An evergreen bower, inclosing flower beds in many designs, occupies a portion of the space between the residence and the road front. The winding walks are also bordered with evergreens and roses. The building improvements, which are to be on an extensive scale, will require some time before the plans of the owners are realized. In 1887 the contract was let for the construction of the stable building, and the same year finished, at a cost of $10,000. It is a handsomely designed structure, not excelled in the county, and has every appointment for housing and comfort of fine driving horses. Among its beauties may be mentioned five attractive sleeping-rooms for attendants. The crowning building improvement, however, is to be the palatial residence, which will be commenced and possibly completed in 1888, at a cost of between $50,000 and $75,000. eastern architects are now engaged on the plans for the building. One eighty-acre tract on the place has been set aside for fruit-growing. Already thirteen acres have been planted to choice varieties, suited to the climate, including apricots, pears, peaches, plums, French and German prunes, almonds, cherries, quinces, apples, and figs. About 500 vines have been set out, -- all choice varieties of table grapes. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has located a station at this point on its line, and has located a station at this point on its line, and has appropriately named it "Eden Vale." The owners of this property, although comparatively new-comers to this valley, are public-spirited and take an active interest in the welfare of Santa Clara County.

Mrs. Mary Hayes, the head of the family, is the widow of Anson E. Hayes. From published volumes of genealogy of the Hayes and Folsom families, the following facts are mainly obtained: Anson E. Hayes was born at Granby, Connecticut, August 27, 1813. He came to an old New England family, who were prominent in colonial and revolutionary times, and was a cousin of ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes. He came in early childhood to New York, and resided there until 1842, when he removed to Waterloo, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, where he followed agriculture until his death. He was twice married: First in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, July 4, 1848, to Helen Jerusha Hopson, daughter of Simeon and Ruth Hopson. She was born at Scriba, New York, May 16, 1826, and her death occurred July 24, 1852, at Waterloo, Wisconsin. Mr. Hayes was married the second time, May 14, 1854, to Miss Mary Folsom. She is a native of Holland, New York, and a daughter of Rev. Abraham and Miriam (Bean) Folsom. Rev. Abraham Folsom was born in New Hampshire, August 9, 1784, and was a son of Daniel and Mary (Moody) Folsom. He was one of five brothers who became ministers, out of a family of seven. Abraham learned the blacksmith's trade, but in 1803 was ordained a Free-will Baptist preacher. In 1813 he was married, at Gilmanton, New Hampshire, to Miriam Bean, who was born May 5, 1786, and died at Waterloo, Wisconsin, in January, 1866. From New Hampshire he went to Tunbridge, Vermont, and from there to New York in 1828. He became pastor at Cuba, in the latter State, officiating in that capacity over one flock for twenty-one years. He is described as a man of singular modesty and simplicity, and was regarded as an eloquent preacher and a very remarkable man. Though called to the office of a teacher and preacher, he did not entirely forsake the business of a mechanic, but showed his ability, when desired, using his tools in manual labor. His children were: Hannah (deceased); Abraham French; Edna (deceased); Stephen, who died in 1878; William A., who resides in Tuscumbia, Missouri; Jeremiah, who resides in Alexander, Dakota; Matilda (deceased); and Lodema, the wife of Isaac Atwood, who also resides at Eden Vale.

Mrs. Hays was but three years of age when her father removed to Cuba, New York, and there she remained until she had reached twenty-four, when the family removed to Waterloo, Wisconsin. She had taught school while in New York and resumed the profession for a time in Wisconsin, and in the latter State she finished her schooling at the educational institutions of Waterloo and Columbus. Her children were three sons, the youngest of whom, Charles Carroll, was born August 24, 1861, and died February 26, 1865. The two surviving sons make their home with their families, at the Eden Vale Farm. The older, Everett/Everis  Anson, married Nettie L. Porter, a graduate of Wisconsin State University, at Madison, and daughter of Clinton H. (deceased) and Mary (Monroe) Porter, both of whose parents were natives of New York. They have two children: Sibyl Charity and an infant boy. Mr. Hayes is a graduate of the Wisconsin State University, both in letters and in law. He practiced law as a profession for six years, a portion of the time in Madison, in the firm of E. A. & J. O. Hayes, and the remainder with Colonel Knight, at Ashland, as a member of the firm of Knight & Hayes. J. Orley Hayes, the younger brother, married Miss Clara I. Lyon, a graduate of Wisconsin State University, and daughter of Judge William P. Lyon, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Her mother was Adelaide, nee Duncan. Mr. Hayes was educated at Wisconsin State University, and is a graduate of the Law Department. He practiced his profession five years, and then, like his brother, was compelled to make his practice subservient to the management of the great business interest of the family in the Lake Superior Iron Mines. These mines are the celebrated "Germania." at Hurley, Wisconsin, and the "Ashland", which is in Michigan, though only one mile distant. These two mines employ about 1,000 men in taking out ore. The mineral extracted is all the best Bessemer ore, and the output at Hurley reaches over 300,000 tons per annum. One-half of the Ashland mine sold, a short time since, for the highest price ever known in the history of iron mining in this country. E. A. and J. O. Hayes are the principal officers in both companies. While they are eminent in their chosen profession, the placing of these great mining interests on their present footing has compelled them to withdraw, for the time, almost entirely from their law practice.

SOURCE: Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 254-255 Transcribed by Carol Lackey


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight