

 Bio-Pen Pictures

is the owner of 120 acres of choice land in the Collins School District, situated on the Boyter road, about four miles west of Santa Clara. He devotes his farm to horticulture and viticulture, twenty-six acres being in orchard, furnishing principally prunes and apricots, but also producing peaches, cherries, pears, plums, figs, almonds, and walnuts. The remainder of the land is in vineyard, which furnishes the following varieties of wine grapes: Zinfandel, Matero, Charbano, and Grenache.; also such table grapes as the Muscat, Rose of Peru, Black Hamburg, Sweetwater, and Tokay. The products of this large vineyard he converts into wine in a winery of 50,000 gallons capacity. This vineyard is young, none of the vines being more than seven years old, and some of them being but two years old, yet it is very productive, and promises the best of results for the future.

        Mr. Pollard was born in Franklin County, Vermont, in 1823. He is the son of Thomas M. and Fanny (Waterman) Pollard, the former being a native of
Massachusetts and the latter of Connecticut. When he was ten years of age his parents removed to Cooper County, Missouri, then considered in the far West. After a residence of four years there, they made their home in Camden County, of the same State, spending seven years in that place. They again removed to Jackson County, which was the home of the parents until their death.

        The subject of this sketch was reared to the labor of the farm receiving such schooling as could be obtained before reaching thirteen years of age. He became to a certain degree a self-educated man, having spent considerable time in study after reaching manhood. He followed the great overland emigration of 1849 to this State, and engaged in mining in Butte County. This work, with various other pursuits, occupied his time and attention until 1856, when he returned East by steamer. In 1858 he entered into mercantile business in Kansas City, establishing, in connection with a partner, a wholesale stove and tinware store. This enterprise was conducted with success and profit for fifteen years.

        During this time Mr. Pollard was united in marriage with Miss Carrie O. Daggett, the daughter of George and Susan (Harrington) Daggett, natives of New York, but now residents of Santa Clara County. In 1872 Mr. Pollard visited California for the second time, and purchased a paper mill in Mendocino County, commencing at once the manufacture of paper. He sold this business to a stock company in 1876, and from that time until he became a resident of Santa Clara County, in 1880, he was engaged in various enterprises. In that year he purchased the property which he now owns, and which we described at the beginning of our sketch. The last eight years have been devoted, with good results, to its cultivation and improvement. Mr. Pollard is a man of energy and good business habits, and these qualifications have been the means of winning success in his chosen work. In politics he is a strong and consistent Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 555


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight