Havana Cigar Manufacturer

 Bio-Pen Pictures

            It is usually the case that some few men engage in the different departments of manufacture.  The result is seen in the increase of their business and the popularity of the products turned out.  To illustrate this, may be cited the name of Mr. L. S. Cavallaro, manufacturer of, and dealer in, fine Havana cigars, tobacco, pipes, etc., at No. 38 North First Street.  He has been a resident of San Jose since 1873, has been in business since 1878, and in his present location since 1884.  He makes a specialty of fine hand-made goods, employing only the best white labor and watching the product most closely to keep it up to standard.  He imports his Havana tobacco direct from Cuba, via New York, and in some brands uses a Connecticut fuller with a Havana seed-wrapper.  The “Volcano” is his best brand, a straight Havana cigar of great merit.  It has met with popular approval, and he uses only the best material, put together by the most skillful workmen, employing in all seven men.  The market is largely in this county, although there are an increasing number of customers in the surrounding counties.  Mr. Cavallaro manufactured 200,000 cigars in 1887, and will probably make a quarter of a million in 1888, judging by the trade at the time of writing.  He does his own traveling, and always comes up to or goes beyond representation.

            Mr. Cavallaro is a native of Italy, born in 1856, and came to New York in 1870.  There he learned the cigar business in a factory on Pearl Street, which was operated by Cubans, and from them he learned the popular Cuban methods of preparing the tobacco and finishing the cigar.  In 1873 he came to San Jose and has resided here since.

            He was married, in 1880, to Miss Mary Augusta Hoon, of this city.  They have two children, Domenico and Genevieve C.  His residence is at No. 48 North Sixth Street, built by him in 1888.  He is a member of San Jose Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F.; of San Jose Camp, No. 9, Patriarchs Militant; is a member and Treasurer of the Druids; is a member of the Italian Benevolent Society; is a Lieutenant of the San Jose Hussars; and a member of Triumph Lodge, No. 40 (Uniform Rank), Knights of Pythias.  Mr. Cavallaro is a worthy example of our citizens of foreign parentage, a true American in sentiment and feelings, and one who does honor to the chosen land of his adoption.  Coming here with no inherited wealth except a stout heart, a clear head and trained hands, he has gradually forced his way to the front.  Liberal in his dealings, and public-spirited in all beneficial causes, he has by attention to business and strict integrity built up a trade which is rapidly increasing.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 372
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight