
A successful executive who profits both by his own valuable experience and that of others, and who never fails to study environment and present-day conditions, with the result that, while seeking immediate prosperity, he is also paving the way for the attainments and profits in the morrow, is Lyle R. Nash, the efficient general manager of the Nash, Englehart, Silva Manufacturing Company, at San Jose. He was born at Monmouth, Warren County. Ill., on September 9, 1882, the son of Robert W. Nash, who is superintendent for Anderson-Barngrover Company in San Jose, and had married Miss Clara Rodgers. The family came to California in 1883, so that Lyle is almost a native son, coming here when he was a few months old.
He enjoyed all the advantages of the public school system, the San Jose State Normal and the fine courses of one of the San Jose business colleges where he was graduated in 1903, and after that he was fortunate in learning the machinist's trade in the machine shop of Anderson-Barngrover
Company, at which he worked for several years.

On the first of February, 1913, the Nash, Englehart, Silva Manufacturing Company was established, with the services of five men; and now, such has been the remarkable development of the concern and its flattering patronage, twenty-five men are needed to do the work in the making and repair of general agricultural and other machinery. Their plant is located at 502 to 512 West Santa Clara Street, where they have a complete machine shop and have the agency for the Fairbanks, Morse & Co.'s motors, engines, pumps and accessories. Mr. Nash belongs to the San Jose Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association, and as a practical man of real business accomplishment is able to contribute toward whatever that excellent organization plans. In national politics he is a Republican.

At San Jose on May 24, 1905, Mr. Nash was married to Miss Dorothy V. Drinkwater, a native of San Jose and a graduate of San Jose State Normal. One child, Wilmer Westelo, has blessed their union. Mr. Nash is a member of the United Presbyterian Church. He was made a Mason in Fraternity Lodge No. 399, F. & A. M , San Jose, and is a member of San Jose Scottish Rite bodies and of the San Jose Pyramid No. 9 of the Sciots. and is a Yeoman and a Modern Woodman, and he is fond of hunting, fishing and the game of baseball. He is public-spirited, and has been a popular school trustee.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1134


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight