
In all sections of the world the pioneer is highly honored, but especially is this the case in California, where the present  generally realized that the development of the twentieth century is due to the indefatigable determination of those who faced the hardships of an overland journey and the even greater hardships connected with the transforming of an unknown, sparsely settled region into one of the greatest commonwealths in the United States.  Much is due to the faithfulness of the capable and kindly pioneer women of that day, of whom we hear so little, and yet their contribution to the upbuilding of these great commonwealth was invaluable.  Amongst these good women was Mrs. Maria (Cox) Loyst, now deceased, who was born near San Jose, January 14, 185(next number unclear), and was reared and educated and spent her whole life in this county.  She was the daughter of William and Dicey (Baggs) Cox natives of Ohio, who came to California at the early date of 1852, in an ox-team train, and settled in Santa Clara County, their interesting life history appearing elsewhere in this volume.  Maria Cox was the third oldest in a family of nine children, and after completing the Moreland district school course she attended a girls boarding school in Santa Clara, which afterwards became the University of the Pacific.

The marriage of Maria Cox, in 1878, united her with Andrew Loyst,[bio below] a rancher living hear Saratoga, a native of Canada.  they became the parents of five children; two children died in infancy; Mabel M. became the wife of J. W. Breeding;(see marriage license resource below) they reside on part of the old Cox homestead and are the parents of four children- Lester, John, Wilgus, and Etho; William W. is a traveling salesman of San Jose, and was married to Miss Etho Hight{see marriage notation below gives brides last name as WITTEN) and they became the parents of two children- William W., Jr., and Kenneth; George G. married Tilly Doan and they have one child, Eleanor D., and they also reside on the old home place.  After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Loyst engaged in orcharding on Pierce road, where they had a 60-acre ranch.  Mrs. Loyst also became the possessor of fifty acres of her father's old farm, which was partly set to orchard.  She passed away October 30, 1892 at the age of thirty-nine years. leaving her place to her three children, who have improved the balance to orchard and installed an electric pumping plant for irrigating the place, and it has become a very valuable property.  Mrs. Loyst was a woman of splendid attainments and greatly loved by all who knew her.  She was a devout Christian, being a m ember of the Methodist Church in Saratoga.
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Coming to California about fifty-four years ago, Andrew I Loyst has had a variety of experiences, and is one of the highly respected and worthy citizens of San Jose.  The greater part of his career has bee devoted to agricultural pursuits, but he has also found an outlet for his energies in many other enterprises linked with the life of the Western coast.  He was born at Kingston, Ont., Can., on March 29, 1848, his father, Isiah Loyst, also a native of Canada. Grandfather Loyst was born in  Holland and settled in Canada in an early day and served through the seven years of the Revolutionary War.  The father, Isaiah Loyst, was both a farmer and a logging, lumbering ad road contractor, and built many government roads. He married Miss Comfort McKim, born near Napanee, Ontario.  Grandfather McKim was of Scoth descent, while Grandmother McKim was born in the Green Mountains of Vermont.  Mr. and Mrs. Loyst were the parents of three boys, of whom our subject is the youngest.  The parents passed away in Canada.

Andres I Loyst received his education in the public schools of Ontario and at the age of seventeen struck out for himslef, going to the oil fields at Franklin , Pa., where he was engaged as a driller and engineer for three years, when he returned to Canada on a visit and while there became greatly interested in the reports from California.  On January 6, 1868, he arrived in San Francisco and immediately went to San Jose where he found employment as a farm hand; later he and his brother J. W. Loyst purchased a threashing outfit and engaged in threshing throughout the Santa Clara valley, and they they bought a ranch on Pierce Road, containing 164 acres of choice land.  This ranch they set to grapes, but the vines died, so they set out an orchard.  Mr. Loyst still owns fifty-four acres of this tract, and is now devoted to raising prunes and hay.  Mr. Loyst improved, cultivated and operated this ranch until 1918, when he rented it and bought his present place, an orchard home located on Mountain View road, which he has improved with a comfortable residence and a fine prune orchard.

Mr. Loyst has been married twice. His first marriage occurred in the Saratoga district and united him wih Miss Maria Cox, [bio above ] born in the old Cox home, a daughter of William Cox, an old pioneer of that district.  Mrs. Loyst passed away in 1892, leaving three children, Mrs. Mabel Breeding, W. W. and G. G.., all of this county.  His second marriage in San Jose in 1906 united him with Miss Clara Karst, a native daugher of California, born at Michigan Flat, a daughter of John Karst, a native of Germany, who came to California in early days and ws engaged in mining, where he spent his last days.  He had married Miss Emma Bauer, also born in German, who came when a child to Philadelphia, then to California.  Botgh parents passed away when Mrs. Loyst was a small child, and she is one of a family of seven.  She attended school in Eldorado County until she was fifteen years old, tghen removed to San Francisco and later to San Jose. Mr Loyst is a stockholder in the Home Union at San Jose, one of the organizers and member of the California Prune 7 Apricot Growers' Association, a charter member of the Grange in Saratoga, and a member of the Santa Clara County Pioneer Society.  In politics he is a Republican and he has been a liberal contributor in the erecton of church buildings and school houses.  Mr. and Mrs. Loyst's interest are thoroughtly indentified with those of the West, and at all time they are ready to cooperate in any movement calculated to benfit this section of the country.

page 998

The following is on  file at the San Jose History Museum

NOTE_ information in bio gives brides last name as HIGHT


Title: Marriage License File

Location: San Jose Historical Museum

Source:    Source Date: 8/4/1907

Note: Bride: WHITTEN, ETHO

Subject: LOYST, MABEL M.

Title: Marriage License File
Location: San Jose Historical Museum

Source:    Source Date: 3/27/1901

Note: Groom: BREEDING, JOHN W.


Title: Probate Papers
Location: San Jose Historical Museum
Call #:
Source: Santa Clara County Connections    Source Date: Fall 1998
Volume:    Page: 58
Note: d. 10/30/1892 ch: Mabel, Wilham, George