Bio-Pen Pictures

            On the second floor of the Paul Block, No. 26 South First Street, one of the finest buildings in San Jose, are situated the photographic parlors of the Loryea Brothers, the leading photographers of this city.  The reception-room is handsomely and luxuriously furnished, while the operating and other rooms are fitted and furnished in the most suitable manner.  Messrs. Loryea lead in their line, and are entitled to all the credit due men who, by sheer force of merit, have brought themselves to the front.  They are both possessed of a thorough knowledge of the art, familiar with the slightest detail, and under the most trying circumstances exercise the patience so necessary in their business, and never allow a subject to leave the studio partially satisfied, insisting that every patron shall express himself freely, and if not satisfied pose again.  On the walls the eye is attracted by the portraits of hundreds of the best people of the county, and not less so by the beautiful landscape views, of which this firm makes a specialty, including the finest views of the great Lick Observatory.  The narrow but well-lighted passage to the operating-room is lined with growing ferns and flowers, seeming the gateway, as it is, of that strange realm whence soon we are granted to see our “other self,” a speaking portrait.

            The firm consists of Milton and Archie Loryea, both natives of the Pacific Coast, Milton having been born at Sacramento in 1860, and Archie in Oregon in 1865.  They learned there art in San Francisco in the celebrated photographic gallery of Edouart & Colb.  Milton was employed there five years and Archie two.  In 1881 Milton established the gallery in San Jose, Archie joining him in 1882.  The reception parlor is in the front, looking down on the busy throngs on First Street, while the operating-room is at the rear, where they have a most perfect control of lighting.  There are also finishing and toning rooms, as well as a large printing-room on the roof, with sun all day long.  In addition there are also elegant dressing and other rooms. They make a specialty out of enlargements and also of children’s pictures, in which they are peculiarly successful.  They have a very large and complete assortment of backgrounds and accessories, so that all classes of photography may be obtained by their patrons.  Personally they are among our most popular young men, standing high in both business and social circles.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 515
Transcribed by Kathy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight