California State Board of Education

 Bio-Pen Pictures


Superintendent of the Schools of Santa Clara County, is a native of California, born February 11, 1853, in Taylorsville, Plumas County. At the age of eleven years his parents removed to San Jose, where he attended the public schools, going through a full course at the San Jose High School, and graduating in March, 1873, at the State Normal School. He engaged in teaching immediately, taking charge of a school at Bullard's Bar, in Yuba County. He next taught at Evergreen, in this county. In 1874 he entered the Santa Clara College, and during that time was elected Superintendent of the Schools of San Jose, holding that position for two years, resigning after being elected for a third term, and accepting the principalship of the Fourth Ward Grammar School for one year. From that time until March, 1878, he was principal of the Empire Street School, commencing then his service in his present position, to which he had been elected in the fall of 1877. This office he has held continuously since that time, having received four successive elections, with increasing majorities, the last being over 900. From the time of his election to the adoption of the new Constitution, Mr. Chipman was a member of the State Board of Education.

        Mr. Chipman was married, December 7,1876, to Miss Emma Toy, a native of New York State, whose parents emigrated to California in its early days. They have one child, Florence Gertrude, born September 24, 1880. He has one brother, W. F. Chipman, now in the real-estate business; also a sister, Lucy, wife of Eben Gay, in business in Walla Walla, Washington Territory. His parents were Lafayette and Esther (Papson) Chipman, his father a native of Genesee County, New York, and his mother a native of England, who came in early infancy with her parents to Michigan, where she grew up and received her education. They were married in Michigan, coming soon after across the plains to California, where he was engaged quite largely in raising cattle and dairy products up to 1864, when he removed to San Jose, purchased a ranch, and devoted himself to farming. He now lives in San Jose, no longer engaged in active pursuits, but interested in the Farmers' Union, of which he is a director. The subject of this sketch is a member of the Republican party, and believes in tariff protection. He is a member and Past Grand of Garden City Lodge, No. 142, I. 0. 0. F., Past Master and at present Secretary of Friendship Lodge, No. 210, F. & A. M., and member of San Jose Parlor, N. S. G. W.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 473


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight