Bio- Sawyers

A man of artistic tastes and an able craftsman, Louis Liever is easily recognized as the veteran commercial artist of San Jose.  His business is conducted under the name of Lieber Signs and is located at 63 South Second Street.  A native of Illinois, Mr. Lieber was born at Rock Island, on September 26, 1862; the youngest child in a family of three children.  At the age of eleven he was brought to California by his father, who left him with an uncle and aunt, Mr. And Mrs. A. Gerstmayr, early residents of San Jose, and by them he was reared.  He attended the public school until he was thirteen and then was apprenticed to a carriage painter, remaining a little over two years, when he went to learn the trade of sign painter with D. Rinaldo, at that time the best of workmen in his line in the state.  At these two trades he served about seven years and then, at the age of twenty, he went East and worked in several of the larger cities for about a  year, coming back to San Jose to embark in business for himself and since then has built up and carried on a large business.

Though the earlier years of his existence was somewhat of a struggle, yet Mr. Lieber has always chosen his associates among the best element of the city.  He is a cloce friend of Eugene T Sawyer,  the hisorian of this work whose literay and dramatic ability he greatly admires.  Mr. Lieber believes that practive makes perfect and his decided talent for sign painting was developed until he became very proficent in it. He has now been egaged in this work for himself for thiry-eight years and does work for the leading commercial houses and professional men in San Jose and also in that vicinity.  He takes great pride in the achievements of San Jose and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.  In the early days he took part in many amateur theatrical performances staged in San Jose.  He has many warm friends among the old-time residents and business people in San Jose who appreciate his talent and many sterling characteristics.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 633