see Liddicoat Market photo 1984 at The Palo Alto Historical Photo Collection


As partners under the firm name of Liddicoat Bros., William and George Liddicoat are running a first-class meat market in the Economy Block at 322 University Avenue in Palo Alto. Both are natives of Petwan County, Cornwall, England, where William was born February 14, 1885. and George, July 31, 1891, being the sons of William and Ellen (Wetter) Liddicoat, who are both still living at Par, England, the father being a well-known shipwright. -William and George were both schooled in the grammar and high school of their native town, and both as soon as they were able to work, were apprenticed to the butcher's trade. While yet a mere lad, William was apprenticed to his uncles, the Liddicoat Brothers, prominent stockmen and meat market proprietors at Loswithel, England. He thoroughly learned every phase of the meat business, including stock-raising, feeding, butchering and retailing meat, as well as buying and selling cattle and other livestock. Thus equipped, at the age of twenty, he resolved to come to the United States, where he arrived in 1905.

He worked as a journeyman butcher from coast to coast for some years. thus becoming thoroughly conversant with conditions in America before embarking in business for himself. At La Honda. Cal., he opened up his first shop and soon thereafter was joined by his brother George in 1912. Forming a partnership, they leased a 2000-acre stock ranch at La Honda and in addition to running their meat market, they engaged in farming and stockraising, feeding and finishing beef cattle for the market. The brothers were thus profitably operating a large and growing business at the time of the outbreak of the recent war, when having become naturalized American citizens, George joined the ranks while William continued to conduct the business. Joining the Three Hundred Sixteenth ammunition train, Ninety-first Division, George Liddicoat trained at Camp Lewis; he landed at Cherbourg, France, in June. 1918; was at the front for ten months, taking part in the Meuse-Argonne campaign, saw terrific fighting and bloodshed, but with the exception of a painful cut from barbwire, came home in fine physical condition. He was stationed at Cornay, France, November 11, 1918, at the signing of the armistice and spent Christmas of that year in Paris. He was then stationed at Le Mans, France, until April. 1919, when he returned to America and was honorably discharged at the Presidio, San Francisco during May, 1919. He immediately went to Mountain View and with his brother bought out Swall's meat market and together they ran it for thirteen months; then they sold out and leased their present place in Palo Alto in the Economy Store Block and opened for business July 15, 1920. William Liddicoat is the outside man, buying the livestock and superintending the slaughterhouse; while George has charge of the retail work in the market, employing four experienced butchers to take care of the trade. The Liddicoat Bros. do the largest retail business of any market in Palo Alto, having their own refrigerating system and requiring two trucks with two drivers to take care of their deliveries.

Mr. George Liddicoat's marriage occurred in 1920 and united him with Miss Mary Lennon of San Mateo and they are the parents of one child, Mary Ellen. Fraternally he is a member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Pescadero, Cal., while William is a member of the Masons and Sciots. Liddicoat Bros.' latest venture is in the dairy business. They have recently started a large dairy farm on the Page-Mill Road, where they keep thirty registered Holstein milch cows. At present their product goes to San Francisco, but as soon as pasteurizing machinery and other necessary dairying equipment can be installed, it will be retailed from their own market in Palo Alto.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1143
[transcribers note- Mrs. Fields first sold her cookies  at Liddicoats in 1977]


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight

transcribed by cferoben  2015