Mountain View


One of the prosperous ranchers of the Mountain View district of Santa Clara County is L. H. Shore, a representative of a prominent family of Kings County, Cal., where he still owns an excellent ranch of 160 acres. He was born in the rural district near Hanford, June 24, 1874, a son of John H. and Susan (Hahn) Shore. The father crossed the plains in an early day and became a pioneer of Tulare County. He passed away in 1890 and the mother in 1915. They were the parents of nine children, the subject of this review being the fourth child. His education was obtained in the public schools of Hanford, and then he followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a successful rancher of Kings County.

The marriage of Mr. Shore occurred at Santa Clara and united him with Miss Leora Bubb, the daughter of that worthy pioneer, William Henry Bubb, who was born in Washington County, Mo., December 26, 1836, and with his parents crossed the plains to California in 1850, arriving at Placerville, September 26, going' from there to Fremont, on the Sacramento River, where they remained three months; then to Nevada County, afterwards to Dow­nieville, Yuba County, and finally to Santa Clara County, locating at Mountain View in 1851. There in conjunction with his father they followed the stockraising business until 1855, and in 1857 went to Fresno and Tulare Counties, started on his own ac­count and continued there until 1865, when he sold out and returned to the Santa Clara Valley. Mr. Bubb became a very extensive farmer of the district, and besides owning a ranch of 150 acres, he owned a half-interest in the large warehouses at Mountain View. On October 16, 1867, at Mountain View, he was married to Miss Susan Farrar and of their family of children only two are living, Mrs. L. H. Shore and Mrs. Louise Adams, the wife of Charles E. Adams, of San Jose. William Henry Bubb passed away at his home forty years ago, the mother surviving until 1913.

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Shore farmed in Kings County for five years; then they moved back to the old Bubb homestead where they have lived ever since. They have improved their place and keep it in a high state of cultivation. Mrs. Shore represents a type of energy no less forceful than that of her father, and through hard work and care the old homeplace has been kept in excellent repair and is one of the most comfortable of the old-time houses in the Santa Clara Valley. The fine drives, well-kept yards, family orchard, family garden, the fine old live oaks, eucalyptus and other kinds of trees, which were planted by her father, and are now gigantic and imposing in their beauty.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1586


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight