
Not every city in the United States of the size of San Jose may boast of such an extensive, well organized and well conducted mercantile establishment as that of L. Hart & Son Company, whose founder and first president, Leopold Hart, may well be called the merchant pioneer of the town.  A man of great honesty and integrity, he was esteemed by al who made his acquaintance, and at his passing on April 12, 1904, a void was left in the ranks of  the pioneers that would be impossible to fill.  He was born at Forsbach, Alsace Lorraine, February 7, 1829, and received a good education  in the schools of his locality that admirably fitted him for a business career in later years. He had a natural bent for business and when he was twenty-one years old made up his mind to come to the New World and in 1850 he arrived in the United States.  He remained in the East until in 1856, when he arrived in Santa Clara County, where for a short time he was a clerk in a store situated on the present site of the Growers Bank Building.  In 1862 he made a trip back o his native land for a visit and upon his return here established a dry goods and clothing store in Santa Clara, continuing there for a number of years. While a resident of that town, Mr. Hart was elected town treasurer and so managed the financial affairs of the place that it was placed on a very substantial footing.  In many ways he shoed his public spirit by joining in all movements for the public good.

Having made a success in Santa Clara, Mr. Hart thought the city of San Jose held better inducements and he bought the Corner Cash store from Mr. Steinbach, located a the corner of Market and West Santa Clara streets. This building faced Market street and as the city grew apace the store grew with it and gradually grew into a busy center. It was Hart who gave San Jose its first brick store building and from that small beginning he saw one of the larges emporiums from San Francisco to Los Angeles, along the coast, develop.  In 1902 the firm became L. Hart & Son Company, when A. J. Hart was taken into the firm, his father gradually retiring from the management.  This later growth will be found chronicled in the sketch of A. J. Hart on another page of this history.  However, credit must be given the intrepid pioneer who builded better than he knew and all honor paid to Leopold Hart, the founder.  All  during his busy career, Mr. Hart was alert to all the projects for the advancement of business, social and educational conditions of city, county and state.  He was no politician in the sense of seeking office, but he was interested in putting the best man in the office, regardless of party lines.  He was a member of the Odd Fellow and  B'nai B'rith, and generously contributed to the religious work of the local synagogue.

In 1863 occurred the marriage of Leopold Hart and Miss Hortense Cahen, and they became parents of one son and five daughters; Alexander J; Mrs. Charles Becker; Mrs. G. W. Alexander; Mrs. I Chane; Mrs. Harry Morris and Louis Isaacs.  Mrs. Hart died several years before her husband, who answered the final summons on April 12, 19094, if you may so characterize the passing on a man who left behind him an undying influence for good.

Not every city in the United States of the size of SAn Jose may boast of such an extensive, well organized and well conductged mercantile establishment as that of L. Hart & Son COmpany, whose founder and first president, Leopold Hart, may well be called the merchant pioneer of the town.  A man of great honesty and integrity, he was esteemed by al who made his acquaintance, and at his passing on APril 12, 1904, a void was left i nthe ranks fo thepioneers that would be impossible to fill.  He awas born at Forsbach, Alsace Lorraine, February 7, 1829, and received a good educatio in the schools of his locality that admirably fitted him for a business career in later years. He ahd a natural bent for business and when he was teynty-one yeras old made up his mind to come to the New World and in 1850 he arrived in the United States.  He remained in teh East until in 1856, when he arried in Santa Clara County, where for a short time he was a clerk in a store situatied on the present site of the Growers Bank Building.  In 1862 he made a trip back o his native land for a visit and upon his return here established a dry goods and clothing store in Santa lara, continuing there for a numer of years. While a resident of htat town, Mr. Hart was elected town treassurer and so manged the financial affairs of the place that it was placed ona very substantial footing.  In many ways he shoed his public spirit by joining in all movements for the public good.

Having made a succes in Santa Clara, Mr. Hart thought the city of San Jose held better inducemtns and he bought the Corner Cash store from Mr. Steinbach, located a the corner of Market and West Santa Clara streets. This building faced Market street and as the city grew apace the store grew with it and gradually grew into a busy center. It was Hart who gave San Jose its first brick store building and from that small beginning he saw one of the larges emporiums from San Francisco to Los Angeles, along the coast, develop.  In 1902 the firm became L. Hart & son Company, when A. J. Hart was taken into the firm, his father gradually rtiring from the management.  This later growth will  be  found chronicled in the  sketch of  A. J. Hart on another page of this history.  However, credit must be given the intrepid pioneer who builded better than he knew and all honor paid ot Leopold Hart, the founder.  All during his busy career, Mr. Hart was alert to al lthe projects for the advancemet of business, social and educational conditions of city, county and state.  He was no politician in the sense of seekng office, but he was interested in putting hte best man in the office, regardless of pary lines.  He was a member of the Odd Felow andf B'nai B'rith, and generously contributed to the religious work of the local synagogue.

In 1863 occurred the marriage of Leopold Hart and Miss Hortense Cahen, and they became parents of one son and five daughters; Alexander J; Mrs. Charles Becker; Mrs. G. W. Alexander; Mrs. I Chane; Mrs. Harry Morris and Louis Isaacs.  Mrs. Hart died several years before her husband, who ansered the final summons on April 12, 1994, if you may so characterize the passing on a man who left behind him an undying influence for good.

Sawyer, Eugene T,History of Santa Clara County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present
Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.
page  323
Transcribed by CDF

Transcribers Note:
In 1933 the grandson of Leopold Hart was murdered............