The Valley of Heart's Delight

see bio of 1888

Surnames: Goodrich,
contributed by jchavnar

The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 7, 1882

Born in New York City, January 1, 1822. The subject of this narrative is in his sixtieth year. In his youthful days he acquired the trade of carpenter and builder in Massachusetts but after went to New York and entered upon the study of architecture, in the office of R.G. Hatfield; he following this profession - which was also that of his father - in that city until he left for California. On March 8, 1849, Mr. Goodrich sailed from New York in the ship Loochoo, via Cape Horn, and cast anchor in the Bay of San Francisco, September 16th of the same year. No sooner had he arrived than his acquirements were called into requisition; indeed, he had not left the vessel when he drew the plans and specifications for a three-story wooden building, that was put up at what is now the corner of Kearny and Washington streets, where the old Hall of Records stands, tents being torn down to make way for it. November 30, 1849, he came to San Jose, Santa Clara county, in a small sailing craft, to Alviso, a voyage occupying three days and two nights, thence on foot to San Jose. He was soon at work, however, and early in 1850 erected the adobe building which stood on the ground now occupied by the store of O'Banion & Kent, opposite the Auzerais House, the clay for the adobe being taken from the lot on which stands the hotel, while, ever since, he has been in business there. Among his principal architectural achievements in San Jose have been the Court House and jail, the Presbyterian church, three public school houses, the Bank of San Jose, the State Normal School, and the Knox and Martin's Blocks. Mr. Goodrich is also the architect of the Court Houses and jails of Monterey and San Diego counties. He has twice visited Europe for the purpose of pleasure, while, in his labors, he is seconded by his only son, E.B. Goodrich, his principal assistant.