Closely identified with all the movements that aim to encourage and strengthen  the moral and uplifting forces of the community, Father William J. Lande, the well-beloved pastor of the church of St. Joseph at Cupertino, at the town of Cupertino, and also Sacred Heart Church at Saratoga, is among the most active and progressive of the clergy.  A native of Ireland, he was born in County Limerick on April 14, 1875, a son of William J and Ellen (Cummins) Lande, natives of that country who were engaged in farming pursuits until they were called by Providence to the world beyond.
William J. Lande was educated in Christian Brothers College at Doon, where after completing his classics he entered St. Patrick's Theological Seminary and dogmatics, after which he was ordained a priest at Thurles Cathedral by the great Archbishop Croke, for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, on June, 18, 1899.  Among his class mates ordained at the same time were Bishop John J. Cantwell, of Los Angeles; Father Sampson of Sacred Heart, Oakland; Father Kiely of Petaluma; Father Quinn of St. Anthony's East Oakland Father Butler of San Francisco; and Father William Cantwell of Ross Valley.  Soon after his ordination Father Lande came to America, arriving at San Francisco December 4, 1899. His first charge was at St. Brendan's Church, San Francisco, then for two years he served the parish of St. Patrick's Church, San Jose.  The next ten years he was located at St. Peter's Church, San Francisco, and during the last two years, there he was acting pastor.  Eight years of this period this time was given principally to the work of the City and County Hospitals of San Francisco, also the Contagious Pavilion, Pest House, St. Catherine's Home and to the tubercular patients around the Bay, ministering faithfully to them and looking after their spiritual welfare, doing his duty with unselfish devotion, to that his name is a household word in many homes around the Bay.  Father Lande was next appointed assistant pastor of St. James Church, San Francisco, where he remained for three years, and in 1915 he took up his present charge, at Cupertino and Saratoga.
For twenty-five or thirty years, services had been held at Villa Marie, on Stevens Creek the country home of the Jesuit Fathers of Santa Clara, in the chapel near the entrance to the property.  Succeeding Father Ricard, J. J., who had succeeded Father Cichi, Father Gabriel took charge of the chapel in 1902.  As the larger portion was coming, not from Montebello, as formerly, but from the valley, it was  decided in 1907 to close the chapel and build a church at Cupertino.   Alex Montgomery donated the site of one acre and the church was erected at a cost of $9,000-, with Father Gabriel in charge.  After this Rev. W. McMillan, S. J., was in charge for three years, being again replaced by Father Gabriel, the last Jesuit father to have charge of the parish, for in 1913 Archbishop Riodran, D. D.,  transferred authority in most of the missions in Santa Clara County to the secular priests, when Father Thomas O'Connell, the present pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Oakland, was appointed the first rector of the parish.  In August, 1915, Archbishop Riordan appointed Father Lande to take charge, Father O'Connell being transferred to Mission San Jose.
The parish, thought rather new, is progressing rapidly, as the territory, with its wonderful orchard development, is coming in to world-wide notice.  Recently Archbishop Hanna purchased the Snyder farm on Cupertino Hillside, within the parish of St. Joseph's in Cupertino, and soon plans to establish a $5,000,000 preparatory college for boys studying for the priesthood.  The farm is beautifully located on Permanent Creek at the foot of Bald's Peak and commands a magnificent view of the valley. Father Lande is greatly beloved in his parish for his deeds of charity, and his friends and parishioners appreciate him for his true worth as a citizen of the community.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1339