Bio- Sawyers

A life of great usefulness and far-reaching influence was ended on May 21, 1916, when John Zuinglius Anderson was called to his final rest at the age of eighty~seven years. He was one of the sturdy pioneers of Califomia and his name is written high on the roll of the honored dead who were among the real builders and promoters of the state. A man of marked initia tive, enterprise and detennination, his distinguished ability would have gained him leadership in any vocation which he chose to follow. Descending from Scotch progenitors and early identified with the history of America, the Anderson- family possesses the high principles of honor characteristic of the one race and the independent and enterprising spirit of the other nation. Loyal to the land of their adoption, they have furnished representatives to aid the country in almost every war in its history. The great~grandfather of John Z. Anderson was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting with a regiment from old Virginia. The grandfather, George S., removed from that state to Pennsylvania, settling among the pioneers of Crawford County. When the War of 1812 began he was prevented from becoming a participant by his responsibility as the head of a family, but two of his sons responded to the call for volunteers and showed the fighting spirit of their Revolutionary ancestor. When the family settled in Pennsylvania, George, the father of John Z., who was born in Virginia, was a child of two years. Early in life he became interested in general farming and stock business and for a number of years engaged as a drover over the mountains to the big cities of eastern Pennsylvania. The dairy business also claimed his attention for many years. His life was passed in the same locality and he lived to be eighty-nine years of age. His marriage united him with Miss Elizabeth Freeman, a native of New Jersey of English extraction, who accompanied her father, Thomas Freeman, to Pennsylvania when thirteen years of age and settled on a farm in Crawford County.

In this family of eleven children, of whom he was the only one to establish a home in California, John Z. Anderson was the fourth in order of birth. In this favored section of the East, he grew to manhood, receiving a good education, and being trained in habits of industry and perseverance. Becoming interested in the newly discovered gold regions of California, be decided to seek the new Eldorado, so in 1852 he made his way to California, being at that time twenty-two years old. He made the journey on the ship Daniel Webster to Greytown, when he crossed by the Nicaragua route to the west coast and thence on the vessel Pacific to San Francisco. W hen the ship cast anchor he hastened to the mines on the American River and for nine months followed the adventurous life of a miner, but failing to find the coveted gold in sufficient quantities to be paying, he turned his attention to general farming in the Suisun Valley in Solano County, in which he met with suc-cess. In 1857 he returned to Pennsylvania, where his marriage occurred. He returned with his bride to Solano County, Cal., and for ten years continued a resident of this state, but in 1866 revisited Pennsylvania with the intention of remaining in the East. However, he was not long satisfied with that part of the country and soon returned to the Golden State, establishing his home in San Jose, where he spent the remaining years of his life.

While ranching at Suisun, in the early days, Mr. Anderson also operated a line of freight teams from California to Nevada, hauling supplies to the princi-pal mining camps in that state, being thus occupied from 1863 until 1865 and winning substantial success in his operations along that line. Following his location in San Jose, he became interested in the fruit industry, shipping fruit to the East. He conceived the idea of shipping fresh fruit from California to the eastem cities by refrigeration, and many thought this a very impracticable idea, but he refused to abandon his project, so to test out he converted a freight car into a refrigerator car, dividing it into small sections and providing it with a plentiful supply of ice; thus he shipped the first carload of ripe cherries from California to Chicago, the fruit being sent from San Jose. The cherries arrived at their destination in fme condition, and long-distance shipping of fresh fruit by refrigeration thus became a realized fact. Mr. Anderson invented the present cherry box used for shipping cherries that has since become so popular and in general use. He was urged by his friends to protect it by patents, but he refused to do so, being desirous that all should profit by his inventive genius. He was also first to employ women packers in his packing and shipping of cher ries, thus opening a way for a new industry for women. Mr. Anderson was the first man in this state to ship ripe olives in carload lots to the East. He became the heaviest shipper of fresh fruits in California, sending consignments to Denver, Chicago and all of the large centers in the Middle West. Mr. Anderson was president of the J. Z. Anderson Fruit Company, being associated with his son, George, in this business until he retired from active business life. He was also president of the California Fruit Union, which was organized in 1883, the first co-operative fruit marketing organization formed for shipping California fruits to the East. He was never satisfied with old and worn-out business methods, but was constantly striving for improvement and advance-ment. and although a few of his experiments did not prove the success anticipated, he enjoyed a large degree of success and was responsible for many innovations of value, resulting in a notable saving of time and increased efficiency. His nature was a buoyant one and he never allowed himself to become dis-couraged by failure or defeat. He possessed the ability to think in large terms and his plans were carefully formulated and promptly executed.

At Meadville, Pa., in 1857, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Sarah E. Sloane, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Van Horne) Sloane, the former a native of Philadelphia, Pa., while the latter, bom near Meadville, was a member of an old Knickerbocker family; her Great-grandfather Van Horne was born in Holland, while her grandfather, Cornelius Van Horne, a native of New Jersey, was the first white settler to locate at Meadville and was captured by the Indians during one of the marauding expeditions in Pennsylvania, but in the course of time made his escape. As has been stated he was a pioneer of Meadville and became a very prominent man, the father of a distinguished family and lived to be nearly one hundred years of age. Mrs. Anderson's wedding ring was made from gold mined by her hus-band in Califomia in early days. She survived her husband, passing away January 16, 1920, when eighty-five years of age. She was a woman of much personal charm, culture and refmement, who was devoted to her husband and children, a noble, true and loving mother in every sense of the word, whose memory is cherished and loved by all who knew her.

They became the parents of ten children; Elizabeth died at the age of fifteen years; Robert died when but two years old; Josephine departed this life when young; George H. is engaged in the fruit business in San Jose; Grace died at the age of thirty-two; Alden, who was formerly lieutenant-govemor of Califomia, also serving as assemblyman and speaker of the house, is now president of the Capital National Bank at Sacramento; Callie E. and Edwin F. were twins, the latter of whom died when but a year old; and Elmer E. and Wilbur, were also twins, the former a resident of Southem • Califomia, while the latter died in infancy. Miss Callie E. Anderson, was bom in San Jose and acquired her education in the grammar and high schools of this city, after which she attended the State Normal School of San' Jose.

Mr. Anderson was always an inspiration to young men and his advice to them was to engage in business for themselves and having chosen their business to throw all of their energy into it and by right doing and thinking make a success of it, and many a busi-ness man of today gives credit of their success in life to his advice and counsel. Mr. Anderson gave his political allegiance to the Republican party and he was at one time connected with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was a prominent Mason, having membership in the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery at San Jose. He took a deep interest in preserving data and relics pertaining to pioneer-ing and early historical events in California and was very active in the formation and served as president cf the Santa Clara County Pioneer Society for ten years, spending much time to further its importance, as well as looking to the comfort of the old pioneers-being very solicitous regarding their welfare. A man of pleasing personality, always affable, Mr. Anderson was well known and esteemed and everyone who knew him was his friend. He was a big man-big in that power which understands conditions, grasps situations and molds opportunity into tangible assets. His was an admirable character, worthy of all  praise, and the record of his achievements is -the best commentary upon his life and upon his ability and enterprise. His honesty and integrity of purpose gained him the greatest confidence and respect, so much so that- no man in Santa Clara County was more trusted than John Zuinglius Anderson.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 783