Bio-Pen Pictures

residing on the Saratoga and Alviso road, in the Millikin District, is the owner of a farm of eighty acres, twelve acres of which is in vineyard, containing about an equal proportion of Mission and Charbano grapes. The remainder of the land is devoted to the raising of hay and grain, and such stock as is needed for farm operations.

        The subject of this sketch was born in Washington County, Missouri, in 1828. He is the son of James Clarkson and Susannah Johnson, both natives of Virginia, and descendants of old families of that State. They removed to Missouri at an early date, and were among the pioneers of the county in which they resided. Mr. Johnson's early life was spent upon his father's farm, and was devoted to such tasks as usually fall to the lot of youths in his situation. For schooling he was dependent upon the primitive schools of that date and place. Whatever may have been the deficiencies of his early education, his energy and natural intelligence have enabled him successfully to overcome them, and have thus insured him the success in life and the accumulation of this world's goods that are acquired by those who start with the prestige that high educational advantages give. In 1849 he, accompanied by his father, started across the plains for California, and after months of slow and toiling travel with ox teams, undergoing the fatigue and hardships attendant upon this emigration, they arrived at their destination in September of that year, thus enrolling themselves among the pioneers of this great State. Immediately after their arrival, they located in what is now known as El Dorado County, and, with the gold fever commenced an active pursuit of the shining dust, in which occupation they were engaged, with varying success, until 1856, when J. W. Johnson ceased his mining operations and came to Santa Clara County. Here he purchased land, and took up his residence in the locality now occupied by him.

        In 1858 Mr. Johnson was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth England, daughter of John England, of Crawford County, Missouri. From this marriage five children have been born, whose names and ages at the present time (1888) are as follows: John Hunter, aged twenty-eight years, married Miss Lois Hartwick, of Santa Clara County; Mary Ann, twenty-five years of age, the wife of Charles E. Mallette, of British Columbia; Kitty Laura, twenty-two years of age; Joseph Beverly, twenty-one years of age; and Willie Rowe, sixteen years of age.

        In 1863 his father left the mines and came and resided with him two years, and then went East. He died in 1874; his mother died two years later.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 490

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight