
—An alert and far-see­ing dairyman who is striking into new paths in the interest of the patronizing public, is James W. For­ward, whose ideal dairy ranch is on the Brokaw Road, northwest of San Jose. He was born near Spokane, Wash., on January 29, 1884, the son of J. A. Forward, a native of Montreal, Can., and a car­penter and builder. He married Miss Edna Walker, a native of Bloomfield, Cal., and a member of the Walker family who were early pioneers at that place, being a daughter of Alonzo and Elizabeth (Peters) Walker. J. A. Forward took up a homestead in Washington, and later came to Santa Rosa; but he remained there for only a short time and then moved back to Washington. In 1891 he came to San Jose; and here James W. Forward attended first the gram­mar and then, for two years, the high school long such a credit to the city.

When he started out for himself, James W. For­ward worked for one year in the mills of the Santa Clara Valley Mill & Lumber Company, and after that he learned the carpenter's trade under the direc­tion of his father. Later, he took up a course in drafting and from that he passed on to architecture, which he used in connection with contracting, in which he engaged in for eight years. Next he went to British Columbia and acquired a tract of land, but after three years he returned to San Jose, where he again engaged in contracting; but in 1914 he bought twenty acres of land on the Brokaw Road, north­west of San Jose, and thereon he has since built his home. He planted the land to alfalfa and started a dairy. He commenced in a small way, and at pre­sent he has forty cows, to which he will add from time to time. He sells all the milk direct to the con­sumer, and under his unique method of handling the milking, he has evolved the highest-test milk in the vicinity of San Jose. The cows are milked with machinery, and after passing through a pipe line, the milk is cooled to a very low temperature and deposited in a large tank from which it is bottled, the milk at no time coming in contact with the per­son handling it. The machine and pipe line are taken apart every day and washed and sterilized. Mr. Forward has two feeding pens, each with a • feeding capacity for thirty cows; these pens face each other, so that all the cattle can be fed from the same car­rier. Mr. Forward has a separate milking pen where the cows are taken to be milked, and this pen has a capacity for thirty cows. All that is necessary to increase the capacity of his plant is the addition of another set of feeding pens; the one milking pen will suffice for as many cows as he cares to handle. He also has special cooling rooms and milk rooms.

At San Jose, on June 27, 1909, Mr. Forward was married to Miss Leola Lyth, the daughter of Frank and Prudence Lyth who came out to California from Nebraska when she was three years old. Mr. Lyth was a contracting builder. Miss Lyth went to the grammar and the high school, and the San Jose Normal; she then taught school for a short time previous to being married. Two children have been born to this union, Frances and Robert.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1095


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight