The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO Pen-pictures,pages 259-260


JOHN WENSTROM was born in Skone, Sweden, in 1835, his parents being Paul Olsen and Bengta (Swanson) Wenstrom, also natives of that place. He was reared to farm life until the age of eighteen years, receiving at the same time such an education as the common schools afforded. In 1853 he entered into a five years' apprenticeship as a blacksmith. After serving three years his master gave him his papers. He then established a carriage and blacksmith shop of his own. In 1857 he married Miss Johanna Nelson, daughter of Mons and Margaret Nelson, natives of Sweden. Mr. Wenstrom successfully conducted his business until 1869, in which year he emigrated to the United States. Shortly after his arrival in New York he proceeded to Boston, Massachusetts, and after working for a few months at that place he removed to Lawrence, Kansas. After working for about two years at his trade, he established a shop in Lawrence and entered into business on his own account. He conducted this shop for one year, and then rented a farm near Lawrence, upon which he took up his residence. He established a blacksmith shop on his farm and engaged in farming and blacksmithing until 1876.

In this latter year he came to California and located at Salinas, Monterey County. Afterward he established a blacksmith shop at Gabilan, where he remained till 1878. He was the postmaster at Gabilan during his two years' residence there. In the fall of 1878 he removed to San Jose, and after some months working at his trade he entered into partnership with Alexander Gutt, in the hotel and saloon business. He also engaged in the same business with his brother. In March, 1882, he removed to Alviso, where he established a blacksmith and carriage repair shop. Mr. Wenstrom, since the latter date, has been a resident of Alviso, and by his energetic and industrious habits, and honest dealing, has firmly established himself in business. He is a thorough mechanic, a master of his calling, and well supported by the community in which he resides. In his political views he is Democratic. He has served three years as a School Trustee in his district. Mrs. Wenstrom died in 1875. To them were born nine children, five of whom are living, viz.: Nels Peter, Teckla, Ellnora C., Hilma U., and Jennie M. Teckla married Charles Olsen, and resides near San Jose. The other children are living at home.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.- Page  259-260  transcribed by Carol Lackey


SANTA CLARA COUNTY -The Valley of Heart's Delight

July 17,  2005