Bio-Pen Pictures
          JOHN W. BRYAN
Fremont Township

The father of the subject of this sketch, Abner Bryan, was born in Saint Charles, Missouri, March 17, 1802, where he lived to be grown.  He was married to Mary Thomas, and removed to Greene County, Missouri, where he resided until 1845.  At this early date Mr. Bryan, with his family of five sons, and another family named Scott, started for California.  The two families, numbering seventeen persons, made the trip across the plains, taking six months, lacking four days, to make the journey, from the time they started until they landed at Sacramento.  The party stopped the first winter at Sutter’s Fort.  Captain Sutter gave them an adobe house to live in during the cold weather.  From there they moved ten miles up the American River, to a place called Leigedoff Ranch, where they stopped a short time.  In the same spring they started out with the intention of going to Oregon.  They went up the Sacramento River about ninety miles, to what is known as Stony Creek, where they located, and remained two years.  They built a large adobe house, and made everything as convenient as possible.  In the fall of 1847 they came down to San Jose, and went hence to the mines at Hangtown, now Placerville, where the discovery of gold was made.  They remained there in the mines until the fall of 1849, when they returned to San Jose, and removed from here to what is now Mountain View.  It was not long before they went to Contra Costa County, thence to Salinas, Monterey County, and from there they returned to Santa  Clara County, and to the town of Santa Clara.  From here he went to what is now San Benito County, then Monterey County.  He made one or two other little moves, and finally went to Santa Barbara County, where he now resides.  His wife died while crossing the plains, and was buried on the way.  Mr. Bryan was married again.  The issue of this marriage was five children—three sons and two daughters.

            John W. Bryan, the subject of this sketch, remained with his father until 1858.  He was married, in 1860, to Mary E. Logwood, a native of Texas, who came to California with her parents in 1853.  Soon after his marriage Mr. Bryan came to Santa Clara County, where he has lived ever since.  In October, 1865, he settled on his present place in Fremont Township, which contains eighty acres of land.  Sixty acres are in orchard, numbering about 600 trees, the youngest of which is five years old.  Three are thirty acres in vines, from four to seven years old.  The rest of the place is in grain and hay.  Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have three children:  William, Josie, and Lilian Gertrude.  They have lost two children:  Luella died April 9, 1888, aged twenty-seven years; and Katie died in 1865, at the age of three years.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 312
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy