Bio-Pen Pictures

            Jerome Vostrovsky is one of those valued acquisitions to this population who, having passed a large part of their life-time in some of the States east of the Rocky Mountains, and there acquired a competency, have come to pass the remainder of life amid the pleasures of climate and delightful surroundings afforded only by California.  He purchased four acres on the southwest corner of Willow Street and Lincoln Avenue, in the Willows, in 1884, planting French prunes and cherries, and has erected an elegant dwelling, which the family now occupies.  Besides this, he is the owner of several pieces of valuable land and city property. 

Mr. Vostrovsky is from Bohemia, the land of Huss; he was born near Prague on March 5, 1836.  He attended school in Bohemia and traveled through the different countries of Europe.  Not sympathizing there with the political conditions, and giving too free an expression to his feelings, he found it advisable to come to the land of free thought and free action, America, where he is loyal to the flag of the Union.  In 1864 he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits; one year later he went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he engaged in the dry-goods business, the style of the firm being first, Fort & Vostrovsky, and later, J. Vostrovsky & Co.  Here he married Anna Witousek, the daughter of John and Frances (Polak) Witousek, of Moravia.  Remaining until 1870, he then sold out and removed to West Point, Nebraska, where he opened the same kind of business.  He was City Treasurer for a number of years, and was also appointed Notary Public, and known as one of the most enterprising citizens.  He removed to Livermore, California, in 1876, where he again engaged in the dry-goods business, with his usual activity and enterprise.  He remained there three and a half years, and sold out with his good-will and returned to West Point, Nebraska, where he still had property interests, which he disposed of, and then traveled.  After seeing the greater part of California, Oregon, and Washington Territory, he chose San Jose for his home, and in 1883 permanently located here.

 Mr. Vostrovsky has decided literary taste and ability, being a correspondent of several newspapers in the Bohemian (Czech) language.  Mr. and Mrs. Vostrovsky have been blessed with three bright and interesting children:  Anna, Clara, and Jerome.  Mr. Vostrovsky is a member of Jordan Lodge, No. 27, F. & A. M., and West Point Lodge, No. 52, I. O. O. F., of West Point, Nebraska; of Pacific Council, No. 474, American Legion of Honor, in San Jose; and of Golden Gate Lodge, No. 93, of the C. S. P. S., Bohemian Benevolent Society of San Francisco; also a member of San Jose Turnverein.  Courteous and gentle in manner, Mr. Vostrovsky is yet a man of clearly-defined views, well-fixed convictions, and broadly independent and liberal in his political and religious sympathies.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 391Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight