The Valley of Heart's Delight



Born in Montgomery (now Warren) county, Missouri, Feb. 17, 1828, but was raised, educated and acquired a knowledge of farming in Callaway county. In the year 1846, having enlisted, he served for thirteen months in the Mexican war under General Kearny. In the Spring of 1849 he started to cross the plains with ox-teams to California, and arrived at Lassen's ranch, on the Sacramento river, in the month of September of that year. Thence, he proceeded to the mines in Shasta, and after a short stay there came to Santa Clara county and embarked in farming operations in company with Samuel Q. Broughton and Robert Bailey at Berryessa, and in 1850 raised a crop.

 In the Spring of 1851 Mr. Trimble went to the mines in El Dorado county but returned to his farm at the end of six months and stayed there until the Fall of 1852, when he paid a visit to the Eastern States, returning with his bride by way of the plains, and bringing with him a drove of cattle, which he drove to this valley. Here he resided until 1857 when he sold out and moved to the place he now occupies near Milpitas, comprising two hundred and fifty acres of land on which he raises fruit,berries and grain. Married, in Missouri, April 20, 1853, Mary J. Miller, and has living: Sarah R., Maggie J., Mary F., Mattie M., and John. Mr. Trimble is now President of the Santa Clara County Pioneers.

The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 18, 1882
transcribed by jchavnar


 BIO-Pen Pictures

            John Trimble (deceased) was born in Montgomery, now Warren County, Missouri, February 17, 1828, the son of John and Margaret (Turley) Trimble, natives of Kentucky, who emigrated to Missouri with the pioneers of that State.  A few years after his birth, his parents moved with him to Callaway County, same State, where he was reared as a farmer, receiving such an education as the primitive schools of that period afforded.  When war was declared with Mexico, he enlisted in Colonel Doniphan’s regiment, the First Missouri Cavalry, and rendered active service.  His regiment left Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, June 27, 1846, and made an overland march to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where they joined the command of General Kearney, and took part in the conquest of that territory.  He was engaged in the battles of Sacramento and Bracito, and participated in all the service done by his regiment.  The regiment was mustered out at New Orleans in 1847, after which Mr. Trimble returned to his home in Missouri.  After following farming there until the spring of 1849, he crossed the plains with ox teams to California, arriving at Lassen’s ranch, on the Sacramento River, in September of the same year.  After a few weeks spent in the mines in Shasta County, the young pioneer came to Santa Clara County, and, in company with Samuel Q. Broughton and Robert Bailey, embarked in farming operations at Berryessa.

            In the spring of 1851 Mr. Trimble went to mining in El Dorado County, but after a six months’ trial of his enterprise he returned to his farm, and remained there until the fall of 1852, when he embarked upon a steamer and went back to Missouri.  In 1853 he married and returned with his bride to California, across the plains, bringing with him about three hundred and fifty head of cattle, which he drove to this valley.  His partner, Mr. Broughton, accompanied him in this stock enterprise.  Mr. Trimble was then successfully engaged in extensive stock-raising and farming operations until 1857, when he sold out and purchased the place upon which his widow now resides, comprising two hundred and fifty acres of land located on the San Jose and Milpitas road, in the Orchard School District, about five miles north of  San Jose.  These lands Mr. Trimble profitably cultivated and improved, planting fifty acres in orchard, comprising pears, peaches, apricots, apples, prunes, cherries and plums.  He became also an extensive grower of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, continuing also in extensive farm operations and in stock-raising.  Among his early and chief improvements, mention should be made of three artesian wells, which yet produce an abundance of water for irrigation and other purposes.

            April 20, 1853, in Callaway County, Missouri, Mr. Trimble married Miss Mary Miller, daughter of Martin and Jane (Miller) Miller, residents of that county.  Mr. Miller was a native of St. Louis, Missouri, and his wife of Kentucky.  Mr. and Mrs. Trimble had seven children, five of whom are living, namely:  Sarah R., who married Nicholas Bowden, an attorney at law, and resides at San Jose; Margaret J.; Mary Frances, who married Albert K. Whitton, and now resides in this county; Mattie M., and John R., residing at the “Trimble Home” with their mother.

            In December, 1885, Mr. Trimble was stricken with paralysis, from which he partially recovered, but in the following summer he was again attacked by the disease, and died from the effects of a third stroke, September 16, 1887.  Mr. Trimble’s long residence in Santa Clara County have him extensive acquaintance, and his sterling worth and upright character brought him the esteem and respect of all.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 230-231

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy