Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, April 10, 1839, and came to New York in 1863, where he remained two years, then came to California in 1855 and located in San Francisco. In 1858 he made the trip overland to Fraser River in British Columbia, but soon after returned to San Francisco, where he resided the most of the time till 1869, when he took a trip to Germany. He was married, in 1860, to Sophia Fritz, a native of Baltimore, Maryland. She died in 1869, leaving three children. He was again married, in 1870, to Helen Kress, a native of Fort Madison, Iowa, where she was born in 1851. She came to California with her parents in 1855. They have three children. Mr. Tourny was a traveling salesman for Stein, Simon & Co., wholesale clothiers, in San Francisco. He bought his present place near Los Gatos in 1882, and moved upon it in 1886. He has twenty-five acres, about ten acres being under cultivation, mostly in prunes and apricots, with a few of other varieties, the trees being from one to five years old. The view of the surrounding country is excellent. He owns a nice spring about one and one-fourth miles from his place, which is about 100 feet above his house. He has a vineyard of two acres, mostly in table grapes. His Muscats are four years old and in full bearing.

        The children by his first wife are: George B., residing in San Francisco and employed in the German Bank; Minnie, wife of Willard Lee, in Los Gatos; and Anna, who resides at home. The children by his second wife are: Helen C., Mabel, and Julius B.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 598



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight