BIO Pen-picture,page 260-261



 One of the best orchards in the Berryessa District is the thirty-acre tract owned by Mr. Grant. This orchard is located at Berryessa, on Capital Avenue, about four miles north-east of the business center of San Jose. Twenty acres of this land were planted in 1884, and the rest in 1887. This orchard contains the following trees: 1,000 apricots, 800 peaches, 800 French prunes, 150 plums, and a few trees each of nearly all varieties of fruit grown in that section of the county. His land is admirably located, and irrigated by water from the Penetencia Creek. The orchard is under a high state of cultivation, and is destined to be very productive. It is worthy of mention that three-year-old apricot trees in 1887 yielded over $120 per acre.

The subject of this sketch was born in Oneida County, New York, December 18, 1851. His parents, John T. and Clementine (Smith) Grant, were natives of that State. In 1855 his father removed to Miami County, Kansas, where he purchased land and engaged in farming until his death, in 1886. Mr. Grant was reared to the calling of his father, receiving such an education as was afforded by the common schools. He conducted his farming operations upon the old homestead until the death of his mother, which occurred in 1878. In that year he came to California, and after a visit to Santa Clara County went to San Joaquin County, and there worked for his brother, George W. Grant, for about two years, or until the fall of 1880. He then returned to Santa Clara County, and engaged in work on the Berryessa road, for Smith & Flickinger, in orchard culture. (Dr. China Smith, the partner of J. H. Flickinger, was his uncle.) In 1883 he purchased the twenty acres of his orchard property, and commenced its improvement. In 1886 he purchased the ten acres adjoining, and took up his residence upon the same. In December of the same year he married Miss Hattie E. Fickett, daughter of Dr. Stillman H. and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Fickett, of Stockton. Mrs. Grant's father is a pioneer of California, a prominent and well-known dentist in Stockton. Mr. Grant is an enterprising and energetic young man, well schooled and versed in orchard cultivation, and bids fair to become one of the leading orchardists in his section of the county. In politics he is a Republican, and takes a great interest in the future welfare and prosperity of the county.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.- Page 260-261  transcribed by Carol Lackey