Blacksmith of Mountain View


J. S. MOCKBEE was born in Santa Clara County, California, March 16, 1859, between old and new Mountain View.  His parents, James W. and Clarissa Mockbee, were early settlers in this township.  Jake, as he is familiarly known, was educated at the public schools of Mountain view and lived a home until he was fifteen years old.  During the last four years he lived at home until he was fifteen years old.  During the last four years he lived at home he was working, in connection with others, on a threshing-machine, bucking stray, when he weighed only seventy-five pounds.  Was a mere boy, yet received full pay, and did as much work as anyone else.  He was thus engaged with his father for two years , J. W. Lauer one year, Smith & Bubb one year, and McCubbin & Dale one year.  When he was fifteen years old he started with John Haverty in the butcher business, and remained with him two years..  He then served as an apprentice in the blacksmith trade, with G. W. Smith & Bro., with whom he worked for two years and ten months completing his time.  He then bought out the senior partner, G. W. Smith, taking a half interest in the business, under the firm name of Smith & Mockbee, which partnership continued three years.  Mr. Mockbee then bought the whole business, which he has run since.  The shop was formerly on the old Smith property, but on the twenty-third of December, 1887, it was moved to its present place, on Castro Street, where Mr. Mockbee bought a lot in October, 1882.

Mr. Mockbee is what might be styled a self-made man, having had to earn his won way in the world when he was a  small boy, besides being of some assistance to his parents.  He has built up a fine business, having the appliances for doing general blacksmithing, also carriage and paint shops.  He is a stockholder and Secretary in the Olympic Hall of Mountain View, and stockholder and director in the Mountain View Canning Company. In 1884 he became a Mason and member of the Blue Lodge of Mountain View.

Mr. Mockbee was married, October 1, 1884, to Miss Emma Wagner, of Hollister, San Benito County, California.  They have one son, Charles Henry, born April 15, 1886.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.- Page  664- transcribed by Carolyn Feroben


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight