Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased. The subject of this sketch was born in Wexford County, Ireland, in June, 1800. His parents were natives of the county of his birth.  He was reared to farm labor by his uncle, his father having died in his early youth.  His educational facilities were good, and he availed himself to his opportunities, and started in life with the advantages arising from a sound and practical education.  He followed the occupation of farmer and stock-raiser in his native country until, in 1831, he emigrated to Canada.  Locating near Quebec, he engaged in agriculture.  Desirous of bettering his condition, and seeking a more congenial climate, he came, in 1851, by the Isthmus route, to this State, landing in San Francisco in June of the same year.  He came directly to Santa Clara County and rented a farm near Mountain View from his brother-in-law, Martin Murphy.  There he engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1856, when he purchased 200 acres of land from the Alviso estate, located in the town of Milpitas, about seven miles north of San Jose.  To this farm he added by purchase until he owned a magnificent tract of 575 acres, all of which, with the assistance of his energetic sons, Thomas J. and Patrick, he soon placed under cultivation.  Mr. Sinnot was a man of intelligence and energy.  His sound sense and business habits assured him success in his undertaking, and he soon ranked among the leading farmers of the county.

            He married Miss Elizabeth Bolger, a resident of Canada.  Five of their children are living, viz.:  Thomas J., Patrick, Catharine, Mary, and Ellen.

            The death of Mr. Sinnott left his magnificent estate to the care and ownership of his sons, who, having been thoroughly taught the duties of farm life, are destined to carry to a successful termination the projects of their father.  Thomas J. Sinnott resides upon his portion of his father’s homestead (375 acres) situated in the town of Milpitas.  He has erected a fine two-story residence upon his place.  He is unmarried, and his sister Ellen cares for his comfortable home.  Patrick Sinnott resides upon and is the owner of 200 acres of the old homestead lying just south of his brother’s land.  His farm he devotes to the raising of hay and grain.  He is also engaged with his brother in extensive stock-raising and dairy business.  Among his cattle are about 100 head of Durham stock, and he also owns fine horses of the Norman and Patchen breeds.  In 1887 he married Miss Ellen Twohig, the daughter of Timothy and Ellen Twohig, of Alameda County.  Catharine Sinnott is a member of the order of Notre Dame, and is living in San Francisco.  Mary Sinnott married John Murphy, now deceased.   She is now residing in the Hamilton School District, about six miles east of San Jose, upon the well-known Center Ranch, comprising 490 acres, which is owned by her brothers.

            This family is well-known throughout the county, and every member is entitled to and receives the respect and esteem of the community in which they reside.  The brothers, who are the heads of the family, are well educated, intelligent gentlemen.  Although temped to seek the avenues leading to political honors, they prefer the more peaceful and profitable pursuits of agriculture.  Strongly Democratic in politics, they are still very liberal in their views.  Taking a great interest in all matters that tend to the building up of their section of the country, they are ever ready to aid in enterprises having that end in view.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 547

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight