Roadmaster for Lexington and Wrights Precints, 1884-

 Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in Ashippon Township, Dodge County, Wisconsin, June 21, 1846, son of Joseph and Mahala (Ellis) Fowler. His father is a native of Kentucky, and his mother of New Jersey. Mrs. Fowler's parents came from Virginia, and when she was four or five years old her family removed to Indiana and were among the pioneers of that State. In 1842 he removed to Wisconsin, where Mrs. Fowler died, in 1862, at the age of forty-three years. She was the mother of thirteen children, of whom eight lived to be grown. In 1872 Mr. Fowler, with his three children (the only ones then living), came to California, where he again married, and died in 1875. His second wife is also dead. 

        Josiah, the subject of this sketch, was educated in the district schools of Wisconsin, and the graded school at Oconomowoc, in the same State. Upon coming to California, he made his home with his father till his death, in 1875. He lived in San Jose a year and a half, when his father bought 240 acres in the Santa Cruz Mountains, on the Santa Cruz turnpike road. Just before his father's death, Josiah bought the ranch where he has lived since August, 1873. When he came upon the place, but five acres were cleared. He now has about forty acres cleared. He sold thirty acres, and now has but 210 acres. Has about fourteen acres in French prunes from two to four years old, two acres in apples eight years old and over, and nearly two acres in egg plums four years old, one acre in Hungarian prunes in bearing, and about fifty peach trees. He has four acres in table grapes, from eight to eleven years old, and about fifty pear trees eight years old. In 1884 he built his present dwelling-house, with all the modern conveniences. He gets his water from a spring about 1,300 feet from the house.

        Mr. Fowler was married, December 13, 1882, to Abbie A. Proseus, a native of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. He has been Roadmaster for Lexington and Wrights precincts since January 1, 1884. In politics he is a Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 631


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight