Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased. No history of Santa Clara County would be complete without special mention of one of its earliest pioneers, the subject of this sketch. He was born in Woolwich, England, January 20, 1811. His parents, William and Martha (Davidson) Scott, were natives of Scotland, his father serving in the English army and his mother residing in England at the time of his birth. His early boyhood was spent in attendance upon school, but at the youthful age of fifteen years he went to sea, thus beginning an eminently successful career. A bright and intelligent youth, of industrious habits, his strict attention to his duties soon won the confidence of his superiors. While yet in his teens, the vessel to which he was attached was wrecked on the barren coast of Nova Scotia, and though he was but a common seaman at that time, it was his forethought, intelligence, and energy that extricated the crew from the difficulties surrounding them. It was the display of such qualities as these that led to his promotion, at an early age, to the position of Second Mate, and from this time he rose rapidly in his profession, the age of twenty-four years finding him in command of one of the finest merchant ships under the English flag.

        He followed his profession with honor and credit until 1849, when he came to San Francisco. He arrived when the gold fever was at its height, and he sought for wealth in the mines. His experience in the mines was not that of many who were disappointed in the results of their labor; on the contrary, his success was remarkable. On some days he secured as much as $3,000 from his claim. After amassing quite a competency, he returned to San Francisco, where he became a hotel man, opening to the public one of the largest hotels then in the city. In 1853 his brother William (whose biography appears in this volume)[see bio below]] joined him in San Francisco, and upon his arrival Mr. Scott sold his hotel interests and accompanied his brother to the mines. He was again successful in his mining ventures, coming, however, with his brother during the following year to Santa Clara County, where he purchased 120 acres of land, immediately beginning its improvement and cultivation. Thus commenced a useful, active life of eighteen years in this county, and during that period the same qualities which won recognition in his earlier pursuits gained for him the respect of his fellow-citizens. A wide experience and sound business principles assured his success in this as in other undertakings. His active life closed December 18, 1872.

        His wife, formerly Miss Ann Lambert, a native of England, departed this life several years previous to his death. Their two children, William and Ann, are also deceased. In 1863 Mr. Scott visited Scotland, and upon his return to Santa Clara County was accompanied by his sister, Miss Elizabeth Scott, who was born September 22, 1822. On the twenty-eighth of December, 1863, she became an inmate of her brother's home, where she has since resided, and of which she is the present owner. This property is located on Scott Lane, in the Jefferson School District, about one and one-half miles from the business center of Santa Clara. Her farm contains ninety-five acres of the original 120 acres owned by her brother. The land is beautifully situated and is very productive. Twenty-six acres are in strawberries, of the Longworth and Sharpless varieties, four acres are in raspberries, while the remainder, with the exception of a small tract planted with fruit trees, is devoted to the growing of hay and grain. Artesian wells supply a plentiful amount of water for irrigation and other purposes.

        Another member of this family was Thomas Scott, who came to the United States, and, enlisting in the Twenty-sixth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Owens commanding, was killed in battle in '63.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 556-557



Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased, was born in Ayrshire, Kilmarnock County, Scotland, in 1824. He was the son of William and Martha (Davidson) Scott, both of whom were natives of Scotland, and residents of the place of his birth. His early youth was spent in attendance upon the common schools of his native place, but when fifteen years of age he went to sea, and many succeeding years were passed in following a seafaring life as a profession. In 1853 he came to California, where he found his brother, Captain James Scott. {see bio above}Soon after his arrival in San Francisco, he accompanied his brother to the mines, and successfully followed the occupation of a miner for a year or more. Upon giving up that work, in 1854, he came to Santa Clara County, and acquired the property which he afterwards made his home, and upon which his widow and family now reside. The estate comprises eighty acres, located on the southwest corner of Scott Lane and the Kifer road, in the Jefferson School District, about one and a half miles west from the business center of Santa Clara. At the time of Mr. Scott's purchase of this tract, it was in a wild and uncultivated state, but with characteristic energy he immediately went to work to cultivate and improve it. Sixteen busy years he spent in this work, his active, useful life being ended September 13, 1870.

        His death left the care of the farm and the rearing of their children to his wife, formerly Miss Mary Brady, the daughter of Bartel Brady, a native of Longford County, Ireland, who came to California in 1853, and who, at the time of his daughter's marriage to Mr. Scott, in 1859, was a resident of San Francisco.  Five children blessed this marriage, viz.: Kate, born March 27, 1860; William Walter, November 1, 1861; Elizabeth J., May 6, 1864; Ann, January 29, 1866; and John Joseph, April 29, 1870.

        Mrs. Scott, ably assisted by her sons and daughters, has been most successful in carrying on the work to which her husband devoted so many years of his life, and has brought the land to its present productive state. Twelve acres are utilized in the production of strawberries of the Longworth and Seth Boyden varieties. The remainder of the farm, with the exception of such orchard land as is required for the growing of trees to furnish fruit for family use, is devted to hay and grain fields, and to stock. Artesian wells furnish plenty of water for irrigation, stck, and domestic purposes.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 543-544