The Valley of Heart's Delight

Warehouseman of Alviso

Born in Swanzy, Cheshire county, New Hampshire, February 25, 1828, moved to
Peterboro, New Hampshire, when two years old, where he was educated, after
which he moved to Lowell, Massachusetts, and learned the carpenter's trade,
working at it until January 1852, on the tenth day of which moth he took
passage in the steamer Ohio, for Panama, steamer Oregon from Panama up to
San Francisco, and landed in that city February 10th of the same years. His
first employment was the unremunerative one of cutting cord-wood, at
Sherman Island, with-out pay. He then returned to San Francisco, and
commenced working for Governor Bagley, at his trade, where now stands the
bonded warehouse, on Battery street. At the end of a month he was employed
by Mr. Ham, took passage in the schooner Andrew Roy, and landed at Alviso,
July 1, 1852, and erected a warehouse there for that gentleman, he being
placed in charge thereof, on completion, by Ham & Flouney, the owners. In
this capacity Mr. Carter remained until 1855, when being called to San
Francisco by his employers he was placed in charge of more extensive affairs.

He was next sent, by Ham to Milwaukee, Oregon (Ham & Flouney dissolved at
the time he went to Oregon) to superintend his grain and lumber interests,
for about ten months. On the failing of business of Ham, Mr. Carter was
engaged by Bray Brothers, then located at the corner of Front and
Washington streets, for two years then after a lapse of twelve months
returned to them for a like period. In March, 1862 he returned to Alviso
and was agent for I. Friedlander, whose business he managed until 1863,
when railroad communication was opened between San Jose and San Francisco,
at which time he moved to the former city, and continued his connection
with the grain king until his death in April, 1879. Mr. Carter, with J.J.
Ortley and William McCall, has built two warehouses in Alviso, while on his
own account he has erected two more in Hollister, San Benito county, which
he still conducts. Besides these, he constructed in company with T.F.
Douglass and Capt. Tohn Martin, the schooner, Maggie Douglass, and with
John Martin and Alfred Mills, the Nellie Carter. He is manager of the San
Jose Branch of the Home Mutual Insurance Company, and has his office in the
San Jose Savings Bank Building, Santa Clara street, his residence being No.
162 First street, San Jose. Mr. Carter married, June 7, 1859, Phoebe E.
Butler, and has four daughters: Nellie, born September 6, 1862; Lizzie,
born December 4, 1865; Florence, born August 7, 1867; Rose, born February
1, 1882.

The Pioneer, published in San Jose, California. Saturday, January 21, 1882

(Note - as written in this newspaper article, Rose's birth is after the
publication date. Capt Tohn Martin is as printed in the article)

transcribed by jchavnar

SANTA CLARA- The Valley of Heart's Delight