BIO- Sawyers

An efficient and therefore a very popular official is James S Carson , the superintendendent of the Santa Clara County Poor Farm, near Milpitas, who was born in South Mountain, Canada, on August 31, 1856, the son of James and Elixabeth (Pelton) Carson.  His father was a farmer having a ranch of 100 acres devoted to general framing ; and he reared a family of nine children, among whom our subject was the next to the youngest born.  He attended the public schools at South Mountain; but his father having died when he was only ten years of age, he began to make his way in the world from this thirteenth year.
He first worked five years on a dairy farm, milking; and in 1871 he came to Marin County, Cal., and engaged in hay-bailing at Tomales.  He then went to Santa Clara County, removed to San Luis Obispo County, and after returning to Santa Clara County spent about seven years farming.
In 1905 he became superintendent of the County Farm near Milpitas, and he has since continued in that responsible office requiring for its successful administration experience, common sense, and humane sympathy.  Besides performing his official duties there, Mr. Carson manages a farm of 100 acres of his own known as the old Sinnot ranch.  The County Farm has about 230 acres, 100 of which are devoted to vegetables and hay, and the balance to pasture and grazing.  There is a dairy of thirty-five head of milch cows, with about 100 head of stock on the farm, and the place has three irrigation wells.  The Farm cares for from 150 to 300 unfortunate persons, varying according to season, many leaving in the summer months, others coming in the winter, about two-thirds of this number being incapacitated in some way; but enough are able to work, to help keep the farm in running order.  Perhaps particularly as a result of his experience with those who come to him as the county's representative for relief, Mr.  Carson believes in the selection of men for office regardless of partisan claims.  Mr. Carson's mother, who came to California aobut 1896, and died here five years later, was of Scotch descent, and his father of Irish descent, so that he has been fortunate in his blood-inheritance.
At Oakland, Cal., on Christmas Day, 1888, Mr. Carson was married to Miss Margaret Mokler, a native of Tomales, Cal., the daughter of Charles and Mary Mokler.  Her father was an early settler and a dairyman at Tomales, and highly respected.  Four children have been born to this union: Nellie is Mrs. Joseph Ramelli of Milpitas; May has become Mrs. James Cropley of San Jose; Stella has become Mrs. John Martin of San Jose; and Ralph is a student at Santa Clara College.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.  page   837